November 2022 Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Wednesday 17th November 2022 at 9:30am in the Millennium Hall.
Present: Cllr Burge (Chair) Cllr Palmer (Vice-Chair)
Cllr Robinson, and Cllr Brylewski.
Meeting started at 9:30am.
No members of the public were present.
Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reasons for absence were given.
Apologies were received from Cllr Mellor and Cllr Bates, Cllr Fleetwood, all agreed to
Declarations of interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below. Members declaring interests should identify the agenda items and type of interest being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of
the agenda items listed below.
To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee meeting held on Wednesday 5th October 2022 and approve as minutes.
It was Resolved unanimously to receive the notes and they were duly signed.
To note the further offer of £200 CIF Paymentfrom DCllr Welburn and resolve for the Clerk to apply, and the funds to be used to go towards a purchase of a planter.
It was Resolved unanimously to take this item to the Full Council. , and to write to
DCllr Welburn with a letter of thanks (Action -Assistant to the Clerk)
To resolve to replace the bench on the High Street.
Thee current bench is in the safe keeping of the company carrying out the work
within the area, It was agreed that the bench will need to go back, will continue to
monitor the situation.
To note and resolve to accept the Planning Committee’s offer of £800 from the current CIL fund, to fund the improvement to the speed awareness signs in accordance with the Neighbourhood Plan 18.3.
It was Resolved unanimously to take to the Full Council Meeting for Solar Batteries
to operate the speed awareness signs.
To confirm the electric box on The Parade is ready for the Christmas lighting event.
This was Resolved unanimously, Cllr Robinson has carried out the necessary checks with no further action required.
To resolve to purchase appropriate banners for the Annual Parish meetings.
Resolved unanimously to purchase new banners, as the current ones are outdated. Three quotations need to be obtained before the next meeting (Action - Cllr Bryleski).
To receive an update on the recent Grazing advertisement and approve of a new licence.
It was Resolved unanimously to take this to Full Council.
To consider comments from a member of the public regarding the untidiness of the area from New Crescent to Croft Lane and consider any action to be taken.
This was noted and the litter pickers have been and dealt with it, no future action required.
To consider and resolve any action to be taken regarding the brambles down the path opposite the Church hall.
Was noted and Cllr Burge and Cllr Palmer have been to take a look at the area, evidence was brought back to show it is tidy, no further action to be taken
To resolve to purchase an additional litter bin to be placed on Church Lane.
This has been suggested for the bottom of Church Lane, was agreed this is a good idea and to also locate one outside the Woodland Walk whilst Tendering. (Action - Cllr Brylewski) to inquire about a donation of Scaffold Pole for the bins to be situated.
To consider and to quote for replacement windows for the Millennium Hall.
This was Resolved unanimously, agreed on a tender and to be taken to Full Council.
Consider action and tender for the bus stop cleaning
This should have been bi-monthly but doesn’t appear to have happened. Resolved unanimously that the contract is reinstated with a price increase in mind since the last one has taken place, the last one taking place March 22 at the cost of £45 . (Action- A/Clerk)yy2
To resolve to check the Christmas lights and to purchase new batteries required.
Resolved unanimously with authorisation for Cllr Robinson to replace the necessary batteries up to £50.
To discuss and resolve what action to be taken with the noticeboard on Gilberts Pond.
It was Resolved unanimously for Cllr Robinson to design and quote for the materials to construct a new notice board, to keep costs down. (Action - Cllr Robinson)
To consider and to quote for a replacement security cupboard in millennium Hall.
It was Resolved unanimously for quotes to be obtained (Action- A/Clerk)
Items in progress; to consider and agree any actions as appropriate
Two standing Tommys are now situated at The Parade with the flag pole, there has been lots of positive feedback. A/Clerk to speak to the Rev Penny reference sharing the Kneeling Tommys for special occasions between the Church and the Parish, and to take the tall one back. Agreed to take to Full Council to discuss (Action- A/Clerk).
Speedwatch (Cllr Burge)
Speedwatch has carried out 8 sessions since the last meeting. After taking the data from the speed awareness signs Hawthorn Road and Fiskerton Road have the worst data for speed. Cllr Burge has made a request to the Road Safety Partnership for them to do more and arrange for them to come and monitor these locations more frequently.(Action- Cllr Burge)
Litter Picking
Cllr Andy Burge & Cllr Angela Burge Collected 15 bags along Fiskerton Road while it was closed for road repairs. The bags and other items were reported to Fix My Street and were collected within days.
Dogs on Leads and reminders on Facebook
Awaiting has been chased by the Clerk with another email.
Bus route
No more action can be taken, as Stage Coach no longer deem this as a viable route.
Christmas star/lights
Cllr Robinson has tested all the light and will carry out all the necessary preparation in time for the delivery of the tree.
Litter bins and at Laburnum Drive
Resolved unanimously to order one in the memory of Her Majesty the Queen, to be located at The Parade near the pharmacy. To take to Full Council to approve cost up to £1000
Resilience Policy
Assistant to the Clerk had done some amendments, still needs some more time Agreed Cllr Brylewski and AClerk to arrange a meeting to make the final amendments. (Action- Cllr Brylewski & Assistant to the Clerk)
Bench at Minster Drive
Resolved unanimously, a new bench has now been reinstated in the chosen location.
Flag Policy
Still awaiting for the updates to come through, discussions of having a village flag designed and quoted (Action- Cllr Brylewski) .
On going, in a queue
19. Matters for report and future agenda items None.
20. To confirm the date of the next meeting
Thursday 19th January at 9.30am in the Millennium Hall.
Meeting ended at 11:00am
These are draft notes until they have been approved at the next VIC meeting.
Signed……………………………………..Cllr A Burge (Chair of Committee)