July 2022 Minutes VIC
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Tuesday 5th July 2022, at 10.00am at the Millennium Hall
Present: Cllr Andy Burge (Chair), Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr M Palmer and Cllr B Robinson.
One member of the public.
The resident spoke to members to say he was upset and disappointed at the reproduction of his design for the sign at the entrance to the village at Waterford Lane corner. He felt it was of poor quality. He was also upset about the one-sided flag.
The Chair n thanked the resident and said the committee would look at these issues at the next meeting.
The meeting started at 10.15am
Cllr Palmer was appointed minute taker.
To resolve to receive any apologies and accept reason for absence.
Apologies received from Cllr Bates and accepted.
Decorations of Interest: To record declaration of interest by any member of the council in respect of agenda item listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of
interest being declared.
To note dispensation given to any member of the council in respect of
the agenda item listed below.
To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee Meeting held on Monday 30th May 2022 and approve as Minutes
It was RESOLVED to receive the notes and they were duly signed.
To consider a request from a member of the public to install a bus shelter and seat opposite the parade. (Lincoln to Fiskerton)
Members felt that there was not enough footfall to justify.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should write to LCC to see if
it was something they would do or if funding was available.
To consider a request from a member of the public to cut the hedge on the pathway between St Mark’s and Hawthorn Road.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should send a letter to 36 St Mark’s
requesting they keep their hedge cut, and also to LCC to clarify if it was
their responsibly. Cllr Robinson would contact Glendale
for a quote and if it was less than £200 the Clerk was authorised to get it
cut back before the children return to school in September.
To consider the request from the HR Committee to purchase a lockable filing cabinet.
Thanks were given to Cllr Palmer for finding a free one, now in the office.
To consider a request from the Clerk to change the lock on the inside Parish Office door.
After discussion it was decided that the key for the lower lock be looked for
and if found the pad be disused. Cllr Robinson would look at the lock
and if the key was not found a new lock would be purchased.
The Clerk, Assistant to the Clerk, Chair of
the Council and Chair of HR to be the only key holders.
To consider purchasing a picture frame for the Queen’s Jubilee Certificate.
RESOLVED that Cllr Burge purchase a frame up to the cost of £15
To replace the broken window in the hall.
RESOLVED that Cllr Palmer would ask a local tradesman for a quote.
Items in progress.
To receive an update on the purchase of a ‘Tommy’
Cllr Fleetwood had researched and found a company in Norfolk who could
supply at a cost of £300 for two. It was RESOLVED that if funds were
available we purchase them. 5 for 1 abstention. Clerk to confirm funding.
To receive an update on Speedwatch (Cllr Burge)
Sessions have restarted and we have a radar on loan from Reepham which
is positioned in Little Cherry.
To receive an update on litter picking (Cllr Fleetwood)
This was continuing and there were more volunteers.
To receive an update on the security camera
The app needs to be installed on the Clerk official phone (Cllr Fleetwood)
To receive an update on the barrier at Green Lane.
Cllr Burge has reported this again on Fix my Street
To receive an update on ‘Dogs on Leads’ and reminder on Facebook
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to WLDC and ask for dog fouling signs
and Cllr Robinson look at the wording to purchase 6 signs for Dogs on Leads
To receive an update on the bus route
The Clerk has written to Stagecoach but has received no response to date.
To receive an update on the Christmas light/star (Cllr Robinson)
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Robinson purchase lights and adaptors to the
cost of £100
To receive an update on the litter bins
It was RESOLVED that litter bins should be placed on Minster Drive,
Fiskerton Road (opposite Oasis) Croft Lane and a dog bin on Minster Drive
5 in favour, 1 abstention.
To receive an update on the litter bin at Laburnum Drive
Cllr Robinson had cut the vegetation back and Cllr Bates had put weed
killer down.
k. To receive an update on the bench at Minster Drive/Stead
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should write to the Stead family and
ask them to repair both the benches, one on the Parade in memory of
Bert and Hilda and the one in the Burial ground otherwise they would be
Cllr Robinson would source a quote for a bench to go on Minster Drive
Full Council to be asked if the bench should be replaced or not.
To receive an update on the PA System
Cllr Robinson to investigate and Cllr Burge to speak to Sarah Bates
m. To receive an update on the grass cutting on Green Lane
Cllr Fleetwood explained he had had a meeting with LCC and the cutting had
been handed over to the PC in 2017 and paid us £88. They are prepared to
resume cutting it.
It was RESOLVED to hand back to LCC. 5 for 1 abstention Clerk to write to
Thanks were recorded to Cllr Angela Burge who had cleaned the graffiti off of the
n. To receive an update on the invitation to the speed camera by Pembroke
Cllr Brylewski to enquire.
o. To receive an update on the Flag Policy
Deferred to next meeting
p. To receive an update on the defibrillator
The Clerk had informed EMAS to take it off of their list but had had no
response. A refund has been sorted for the purchase of the pads.
An application is being sent to WLDC for a new defibrillator at a cost of £400
plus £100 maintenance RESOLVED unanimously.
11. Matters for report and future agenda items
Light switch on - working party
Christmas tree
Quiz - working party
Flag policy
Volunteers doing jobs
Sign at Waterford Lane.
12. Date and time of next meeting
Thursday 8th September 2022 at 09.30hrs