September 2022 Minutes VIC
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Thursday 1st September 2022 at 9.30am in the Millennium Hall.
Present: Cllr Burge (Chair) Cllr Palmer (Vice-Chair), Cllr Bates, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Fleetwood, and Cllr B Robinson.
Meeting started at 9.30am
No members of the public were present.
1. To elect a minute taker.
Resolved to elect Cllr Palmer as minute taker.
2. Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies and the reason for absence where given.
Apologies were received from Cllr Mellor all agreed to accept them.
3. Declarations of Interest: To record declarations of interest by any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Members declaring interests should identify the agenda item and type of interest being declared.
To note dispensations given to any member of the council in respect of the agenda items listed below.
Cllr Brylewski declared an interest in item 7 on the agenda as she had been involved with the artist and its erecting.
4. To receive the notes of the Village Improvement Committee meeting held on Tuesday 5th July 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was Resolved unanimously to receive the notes and they were duly signed.
5. To discuss the budget for 2023/2024 and consider any projects.
It was Resolved unanimously that members would bring ideas for the 2023/2024 budget to the next meeting.
Suggestions for projects for 2023/2024:
• Solar panels for the speed signs (£600)
• Electricity to flagpole
6. To consider a request for a bus stop on both sides of Fiskerton Road by Janet’s farm
It was Resolved unanimously that the Clerk write to Stagecoach and request a formal bus stop. (ACTION – Clerk)
7. To discuss and resolve any actions on the sign at Waterford Lane.
After discussion it was decided that no further action would be taken at this time.
8. To discuss and resolve any actions on volunteers undertaking work.
There was scope to undertake jobs around the village but this was put on hold until the allotment project has been completed.
9. To discuss and resolve any actions on the path from the Graveyard to Lady Meers It was Resolved unanimously to look at replacing the stones with slabs at a cost up to £500 (ACTION -Cllr Burge and Cllr B Robinson).
10. To discuss and resolve any actions of the request from a member of the public to reduce the speed or move the signs at Little Cherry.
Cllr Burge would write to Road Safety and ask for a speed check he would also put up more 40mph reminder signs. (ACTION – Cllr Burge)
11. Removal of obsolete signs around the village.
Cllr Burge would undertake this and members were asked to contact him with locations. (ACTION – Cllr Burge)
12. To discuss and resolve any actions from the meeting of the Christmas working party.
To put a “keep this date in your diary “on Facebook. (ACTION- Cllr Fleetwood)
13. To discuss and resolve any actions in respect of a letter from a resident on Minster Drive
The Clerk to send a letter to Highway’s asking their advice on the matter. (ACTION – Clerk)
14. To discuss the parking issue around the Primary school as raised by a resident
The Clerk to respond to the resident that LCC had reviewed the matter and no more official bollards would be available. (ACTION- Clerk).
15. To discuss what action to take within the village over overgrown hedges.
The Clerk to produce a standard letter to send out when notified that there is an issue. (ACTION -Clerk).
16. To consider other uses for Tanfaine.
Cllr Fleetwood informed the committee that a resident was looking at a paddock to graze seven horses/ponies by the end of September. It was Resolved unanimously to recommend to Full Council that a six-month short tenancy be offered. (ACTION - Cllr Burge and Cllr Palmer to look at a tenancy agreement).
17. Items in progress:
To discuss and resolve any actions on the following items:
a. Bus shelter opposite the Parade - no response from Stagecoach, no further action.
b. Hedge from St Mark’s it Hawthorn Road - resident has cut back, no further action at this time.
c. Parish office lock - this has been done, thanks given to Cllr B Robinson.
d. Parish office window and residence garden waste - to recommend to Full Council that committee members offer to remove the waste away from the building to allow access for the window to be repaired. Once this has been done the window to be repaired.
e. Tommy’s - on Full council agenda
f. Speedwatch - it was Resolved unanimously to purchase new brackets up to £100.
g. Litter picking - this continues with the addition of younger members of the village going out.
h. Office security camera - now working and the app is on the Clerk's office phone.
Post meeting the Clerk advised that although the app is on the parish phone, it doesn’t work.
i. Dogs on leads signs - Cllr Robinson had produced relevant signs and it was Resolved unanimously to purchase six and suitable brackets.
j. Bus route to hospital - no response from Stagecoach had been received.
k. Christmas lights - it was Resolved unanimously that Cllr Robinson with the Clerk to order them up to a cost of £100. (ACTION – Cllr B Robinson & Clerk).
l. Litter bins - Resolved unanimously that the Clerk contacts Simon Smoothy for three post mounted litter bins at a cost up to £50 +VAT and one dog bin. (ACTION – Clerk) Resolved unanimously to purchase two bins one for the Parade. (ACTION -Cllr Burge).
m. PA system - moved to next year’s budget
n. Green Lane verge - this has been cut back and LCC have taken back responsibility for it.
o. Flag policy - Cllr Bates stated we should adopt the Flag Institute Policy and would circulate it to members
p. Defibrillator - taken out of use and we are on WLDC waiting list for a new one.
q. Pembroke Academy and Speedwatch - Cllr Brylewski had contacted the school but has had no response.
r. Planters on the Parade - Cllr Burke has written to the Chair to say she is unable to continue to maintain them. It was Resolved unanimously that Cllr Brylewski will contact Janet to see if she is prepared to take them on. (ACTION- Cllr Brylewski)
s. Stead benches/Minster Drive – Resolved unanimously to remove the Stead bench on the Parade and replace it with a ‘Dale’ bench at a cost of £375 + VAT and to spend up to £350 for a bench to go on Minster Drive plus £64 for anchor kit if required.
t. Hedges/trees Tanfaine – a decision on this to be made a later date.
u. Two step ladder – Resolved unanimously to replace the missing ladder with a three step up to a cost of £50 (ACTION -Cllr Burge)
18. Notice of items to be included in the next agenda:
• Sign on Parade
• Budget projects
• Tanfaine uses
• Memorial gates
• Flag policy
19. To confirm the date of the next meeting
Wednesday 5th October at 10am at the Millennium Hall.
Meeting ended at 11.50am.