May 2022 Minutes VIC
Cherry Willingham Parish Council
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council’s Village Improvement Committee held on Monday 30th May 2022, at 10.00am at the Millennium Hall
Present: Cllrs Andy Burge, Brylewski, Bates, Mellor, Palmer and B Robinson
Minute taker Cllr Palmer
No members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 10am
1. To elect a Chairman
Cllr Andy Burge was elected, 5 in favour, 2 abstentions.
2. To elect a Vice-Chairman
Cllr Palmer was elected, 6 in favour, 1 abstention.
3. To elect a representative for the F and GP Committee
Cllr Andy Burge was elected, 6 in favour, 1 abstention
4. No apologies- all members present.
5. No declarations of interest declared.
6. To approve the minutes of the VIC meeting held on 4th April 2022.
It was RESOLVED to receive the notes and they were duly signed.
7. To resolve to request Glendale to cut back the verge at Green Lane at a cost of £235.00
Clarification was required to what the quote was for as members thought it was excessive. Clerk to write to LCC to ask for a cut and Cllr B Robinson would speak to Dave Rogers to see if he would do a cut.
8. To consider “Dogs on Leads” signs and resolve to approve any quotations
An item to be placed in Cherry News, Facebook and Website reminding people that dogs should be kept on leads.
Clerk to write to WLDC to ask if sighs were available.
9. To consider buying new litter bins to attach to Speed Sighs Posts and approve the expenditure.
Suggested area were Church Lane, Minster Avenue and Fiskerton Road. Cllr Andy Burge to look at locations and Cllr Fleetwood to speak to WLDC.
10. To consider a plan on how best to utilise the Maintenance Budget.
The bins at Laburnum were overgrown with stinging nettles Cllr B Robinson would strim back. Bench on parade in memory of “Bert and Hilda Stead” needs repairing or replacing.
Survey to be put in Cherry News, Facebook and Website about a backless bench/perch on Minster Drive.
Quotes for above required.
11. To consider the Christmas Tree ordering, lights event and quiz, dates and expenditure for referral to Full Council.
Cllrs Brylewski and Mellor would source the tree up to £180 to arrive on the 24th November with the switch on being Saturday 26th November. The Stead award recipient to be ask to perform the “switch on”
Clerk to book the Vine, costing to be discussed at next meeting. Subject to Full Council approval a quiz to be held on Saturday 10th
December, cost of hiring the hall to come out of Christmas budget. Cllr Brylewski questioned why other events from the survey were not consider.
12. To consider the questions raised by the members of public at the APM regarding a Footpath on Fiskerton Road, Potholes in the village A bus route to the hospital and take any actions
Fiskerton Road see item 15 d
Cllr Fleetwood has sent a reminder to LCC Highway’s about the potholes Clerk to write to the bus company and their reply put into the Cherry News, Facebook and Website
13. To consider appointing a member to liaise with LCC about tree maintenance.
Cllr Fleetwood has asked LCC to identify any trees that need attention but said that no maintenance was carried out from March to November. It was agreed that Cllr Fleetwood would lease with the Clerk.
14. To consider whether there should be a Flag policy and refer to Full Council.
Cllr Bates had research this and it was agreed that the UK Government Policy on flying flags be adopted and he would sends a copy of the policy to members.
15. Items in progress and agree any actions as appropriate:
a. To receive an update on the purchase of a ‘Tommy’.
Quote being sort for next meeting by Cllr Fleetwood
b. Speed watch
Sessions are continuing and the Police have been out on Fiskerton Road and Little Cherry.
c. Update on litter picking
There have been two new volunteers and sessions are continuing.
d. Update on the green footpath on Fiskerton Road.
Highways have said they will not cut this. Cllr B Robinson stated that a path behind the hedge at Tanfane had been created. It was agreed that this item be REMOVED from future agendas.
e. Update on new Christmas lights.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr B Robinson could spend up to £50 on replacement lights
f. To receive suggestions for the Unspecified Jubilee Project in conjunction with L&A.
Entrance planters to the village.
g. Update on a replacement flag.
Cllr Brylewski was unable to do this until the new Clerk was in post
h. Update on probation
Cllr Brylewski informed members that it was unlikely that they would return. REMOVE from future agendas.
i. Update on Defibrillator Pads
The order had been placed on the 16th March but there is a backlog.
j. Update on CCTV Policy
Cllr Fleetwood to set up the camera on the Clerks phone but in the meantime he would check it was up and running without Wi-Fi as requested by Full Council.
k. Update on bus shelter cleaning contract
The residue glue had been removed and members were happy with the result
16. Matters for report and future agenda items
Purchase PA system
Costing for Christmas light switch on and quiz
17. Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 5th July 2022 at 10.00am