January 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held virtually at 7.00pm on 18th January 2021

Present: Cllrs Brylewski (Chair), Fleetwood (Vice-Chair), Palmer, Mellor, Scott, Trahearn, Burge, Bucke, J Robinson, B Robinson, Lacy & Houghton, Cllr Bates (joined the meeting later)

Gill Shaw (Clerk to the Council), Christine Hodgson (RFO & Assistant to Clerk)


No members of the public or District Councillors were in attendance.


The meeting commenced at 7.00pm

2021-01 Welcome and to resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence

Cllr Bates not present but joined later

2021-02 Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests


2021-03 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required

Cllr Fleetwood, in his role as County Councillor, warned that very heavy rainfall was due and could cause flooding

2021-04 Chairman's remarks

            There had been some vandalism in the village prior to Christmas which included the damage to the bus shelter and the Christmas lights on The Parade.  The Chairman thanked all those who helped in putting up the tree and decorating it.  The Christmas Gift bags had been very successful and thanks were given to all who donated including Asda, The Co-op,  Poundstretcher, Council staff and Councillors.  Also thanks were given to those who delivered the bags. The gift of a box of biscuits delivered with the Christmas lunches was also well received.

Congratulations were given to The Clerk who had completed her ILCA qualifications and she has expressed a wish to start the CILCA qualification and this is to be discussed at the next Employment Committee meeting.

ACTION:  The Clerk to send a letter of thanks to Dean Semper to thank him for his help in erecting the Christmas Tree .

2021-05 To receive the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 20th October 2020 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record

 It was RESOLVED to sign them as a true record.

2021-06 Financial Matters - RFO.

i)To receive the Schedule of Receipts and Payments for November and December 2020

  • The RFO confirmed that the TV license had not been renewed because the TV is used only as a screen and a license is not needed although payment has been made a refund has been received. 
  • Cherry Fields volunteers had paid out £112 for extra trees and when the invoice comes in this donation will be used.
  • Cllr Burge queried the cost of hire for diggers but Cllr B Robinson confirmed that it was a competitive price which included delivery and return of the digger and fuel.
  • Cllr Burge queried the loan repayment rate of interest
  • ACTION: RFO will research the options to negotiate a lower rate with the present lender or to move the loan to a different lender with a better rate.

ii)To receive the Bank Reconciliation up to the end of December 2020

Cllr Houghton signed off the Bank Reconciliation.

The Councillors RESOLVED to accept both documents unanimously.

2021-07 To consider appointing new Councillors to committees

Cllr Lacy expressed an interest to be on the Planning and Finance committees and Cllr B Robinson express interest in The Village Improvement Committee. They were appointed as requested.

2021-08 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Parish Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc. and agree any actions accordingly (note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairmen or members outside of the full council meeting in order to expedite the meeting)

a) Planning Committee – Vice Chairman: Cllr Palmer

  • The Planning Committees next meeting is on the 22nd where several planning applications are to be discussed including the Solar Farm on the old airfield.  Cllr Palmer encouraged other non-committee members to send their comments to West Lindsey District Council.
  • 29 St Matthews has been approved with the restriction that a 4.5m vehicular access is retained.

b)Leisure and Amenities Committee - Chairman Cllr J Robinson

The gate at Laburnum Drive is to be replaced with a new wider gate giving better access for Wheelchairs and Buggies and the direction of opening will be reversed. A quote has been received which is just over £1.000 which includes supply and fitting.

It was RESOLVED to accept the quote and purchase the gate subject to confirmation that the quote is fully inclusive of all work.

c)Finance and General Purposes Committee - Cllr Brylewski

i)To approve a grass cutting contract

The schedule was sent to three companies but only two were returned. The finance committee discussed the quotes and asked the Full Council to approve the cheaper quote which was from the existing contractor.

It was RESOLVED to reappoint Glendale

ii)Agree the Final Budget for 2021/2022 - RFO

The council had agreed a provisional budget in November pending receipt of the grass cutting tenders and the grass cutting contribution from LLC

These have now been received but no amendments to the budget were needed. TheVillage Improvement Committee (VIC) agreed to put an additional £1,000 into a project for pedestrian access to the Witham River.

It was RESOLVED to accept the Final Budget for 2021/2022 at £74,045.

iii)To approve the Precept estimate for WLDC - RFO

In November, the Full Council agreed to the Precept remaining the same as the current year. West Lindsey District Council had supplied a calculator which indicates that a Precept of £74,417 would result in 0% change to Council Tax attributable to the Parish Council.

            It was RESOLVED to approve the Precept of £74,417

iv)To approve the 2019 version of the Financial Regulations with amendments

The document has been sent to all Councillors with the suggested amendments by the RFO.

It was RESOLVED to approve the Financial Regulations with amendments.

 d)Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chairman: Cllr Fleetwood

i)To receive an update of the VIC meeting on the 12th January

  • At the meeting it was agreed to purchase a new flag pole to replace the one stolen and to permanently erect it, together with the second flagpole on the grass area between the parade and Croft Lane.
  • The litter picking had successfully continued.
  • Speedwatch had been stopped due to Covid-19 restrictions but thanks was given to Cllr Burge for all his efforts with Speedwatch.
  • Replacement chairs had been found for the Millenium Hall and the style, colour and number is to be agreed at the next committee meeting

ii)To discuss the Tanfaine tenancy with regard to public access

  • Cllr Fleetwood gave an account of the history of the access and the vision  of a former Chairman, to adopt a green network of footways around the area.
  • The gaps in the hedge  had been previously cut by the tenant at the start of his tenancy and had been recut since. However the tenant had expressed his concerns about having a footpath inside the field, along the hedge.  His tenancy agreement made no mention of the holes.
  • Following a debate on the demand for a circular walk around the village and the safety of pedestrians walking part of the way along the busy Fiskerton Road, no agreement was reached.?
  • The present tenancy agreement ends on 31st March and 12 months notice must be given if the Council wants to make amendments or terminate the agreement.

It was RESOLVED (3 abstensions and 1 against) to give the tenant 12 months notice that we reserve the right to alter the tenancy on 31st March 2022 which may include retaining a strip of land as a permissive footpath

ACTION: To give official notice of the potential amendment to the Tenant before 31st March 2021- Clerk

iii)Update on the public access to the River Witham

Cllr Fleetwood had received an email from the Environment Agency confirming that they are amenable to steps being cut to gain access to the river bank. He also confirmed that they seem amicable to waiving the application fee.

ACTION: Cllr Fleetwood to send the email to the Clerk who is circulate to all the councillors

Many of the Councillors express their concern over Health and Safety issues if the steps are not installed in the very near future as the access is very slippy due to the weather

It was RESOLVED to proceed with the project to install steps to the River Witham as soon as possible.

2021-09 To receive an update from the Allotment Feasibility Group - Cllr Fleetwood

                        There had been no further meetings of the Group. It has been established that there was demand for allotments from residents of the village subject to the location of the allotments.

ACTION: Clerk to arrange a meeting of the group to discuss possible location of the allotments and bring their recommendations to the next Full Council meeting in February

2021-10 To consider changes to Cherry Fields Management Group (CFMG) - Cllr Brylewski

i)To Resolve to change the group to a committee which reports directly to Full Council

Cllr Brylewski proposed that the group move from being a sub-committee of the VIC to a committee which reports directly to Full Council and confirmed that non councillors can be appointed to this committee. Presently the sub-committee reports to the VIC who then reports to Full Council and this is a lengthy process.

Councillors discussed the merits and detriments of this and Cllr Bates reminded the councillors that during the VIC meeting in October, two hours were spent discussing Cherry Fields and felt that the present set up was not working well.

Cllr Burge expressed his concerns but agreed to be on the Committee.

It was RESOLVED (2 against) that CFMG becomes a committee subject to the Terms of Reference being updated

 ii)To consider whether The Terms of Reference for CFMG are fit for purpose

Cllr J Robinson raised the issue that the Terms of Reference for the Group needed updating.

ACTION: To update the Terms of Reference and send out to all Councillors for discussion at the next meeting

2021-11 To consider other matters relating to work of the Council:

To receive an update on the changes to the Terms of Reference for the Committees and Subcommittees - Cllr Brylewski and Cllr Palmer

These had previously been sent to all Councillors for comment.

ACTION: To be brought to the next meeting for Ratification

2021-12 Website and Technology - Cllr Trahearn

The old website was now replaced and people will be redirected to the new site.  There had been problems entering Minutes but she was working to resolve this issue

2021-13 To consider the Safety aspect of the ponds at Cherry Fields - Cllr Burge

Cllr Burge raised the issue of safety of the ponds and appropriate insurance in connection with Cherry Fields.  Cllr Brylewski stated that in her opinion, Cllr J Robinson was aware of all aspects of safety and risk assessment.  Cllr J Robinson confirmed she will review all safety aspects .Councillors were asked to bring any concerns immediately to Cllr J Robinsons attention including the play areas.

The RFO confirmed that she had contacted the Councils insurance company making them aware of all the facilities at Cherry Fields, including the ponds and had received a reply confirming that the Council is covered under the policy provided that reasonable precautions are taken.

ACTION: Cllrs J and B Robinson to put in writing how the ponds and other facilities are managed and a similar study should be done for Gilberts Pond

2021-14 Clerks matters to report including formal correspondence received

The Clerk highlighted the number of thanks received for the Christmas Gift Bags, the complaints about dog fouling, dogs off leads and the poor condition of the Roads.  The Highways Department had been contacted with a view to arranging an onsite meeting to discuss the road repairs.

The Census is due on Sunday 21st March and the council was urged to give assistance in completing the Census on line or advising residents to ask for a paper copy.

In future committee Minutes will be sent to all Councillors

The Clerk also highlighted that her job involved advising the council on law and procedure and asked to be treated in future with politeness and respect.

ACTION: Clerk to contact Committee Chairmen asking for agenda items

2021-15 Date of next meeting

            Monday 15th February 2021 at 7pm to be held Virtually

            Councillors agenda items to the Clerk by Monday 8th.

Meeting ended at 8.51pm