March 2021 Minutes EOM

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held virtually at 7.00pm on 30th March 2021

Present: Cllrs Brylewski (Chair), Fleetwood (Vice-Chair), Palmer, Mellor, Scott, Burge, Bucke, J Robinson, B Robinson, Lacy, Bates and Bridgwood Gill Shaw (Clerk to the Council), Christine Hodgson (RFO & Assistant to Clerk)

No members of the public were in attendance.

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm

2021-45  Chairman's remarks.

The Chairman outlined the history of Gilberts Pond which was gifted by Taylor Lindsey and is looked after by a conservation specialist who tended it about 4 times a year and who originally installed the fencing which is now in urgent need of replacement.

The Chairman also urged councillors to look at the information sent from Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) relating to training courses and format of future meetings being face to face, virtual or a hybrid thereof.

2021-46  To receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.

Cllt Trahearn was absent and Cllr Houghton had sent her apologies. The Council  RESOLVED to accept her reason for absence.

2021-47  Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.


2021-48  To receive the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 15th March  and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to accept the Minutes as a true record and they were duly signed.

2021-49  To review the quotes received for the replacement of the fence around Gilberts Pond and resolve to accept a quote.(Cllr Brylewski)

 Two quotes were obtained for replacing the fencing with the same type, being 3 bar Lincolnshire post and rail fencing.  It was agreed that the old fencing could be recycled at Cherry Fields or reused by a Councillor. It was RESOLVED to accept the cheaper quote from B Knight & Sons Ltd who had previously completed satisfactory work for the council (payment would be from an earmarked fund).

2021-50  To agree that the Cherry Fields Management Committee should consist of 5 councillors and 5 non-councillors (Cllr J. Robinson)

This is a unique committee and it was proposed that the Terms of Reference be amended so that it should consist of a maximum of 5 Councillors and 5 non-councillors who would have relevant expert knowledge. It was confirmed that any councillor who is a member of Cherry Fields Management Group, would be on the committee as one of the 5 councillors.  The members of the committee would be decided at the Parish Council Annual meeting on the 6th May.  It was suggested that the Chairman of this committee should be a Parish Councillor. This should be discussed at the next Council meeting in April.

It was RESOLVED that the committee should consist of a maximum of 5 Councillors and 5 non-councillors.

ACTION - The terms of reference to be amended and the agenda for April should include an agreement that the Chairman of the committee should always be a Parish Councillor - Clerk

Date of next meeting 19th April 2021

Councillors agenda items to the Clerk by Monday 12th.

The Parish Council Annual Meeting to be on Thursday 6th May.


The meeting finished at 7.21pm.