September 2021 Minutes
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council at 7.30pm on Monday 20th September 2021 at The Vine Centre, Cherry Willingham.
Present: Cllrs Jenny Robinson (Chair), Traheam (Vice-Chair), Bates, Bridgwood, Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Brylewski, Fleetwood, Houghton, Lacy, Mellor, Barry Robinson and Scott.
Gill Shaw - Clerk, Christine Hodgson - RFO
District Cllrs Anne Welburn, Cherie Hill and Christopher Darcel.
No members of the public were in attendance.
Guest speakers Paul Disley (Orchard Funeral Services), Caroline Killeavy (YMCA) and Matt Perry plus one (Worth Unlimited).
Prior to the start of the meeting, Paul Disley gave a presentation on green burials and outlined his interest in buying/renting/working with the council to develop a green burial site at Tanfaine. He was looking for a specific site and was interested in Tanfaine as it was within a village and had many funeral directors in the vicinity. He recommended a car park with 50 spaces, storage facilities and possibly a toilet. This would only work at Tanfaine if there was a distinct boundary and well planted with trees to make a pleasant area.
Caroline Killeavy gave information to the council of their proposed partnership between the YMCA with Worth Unlimited for the use of The Oasis. She informed the meeting about their outreach youth activities, good neighbour schemes and friendship groups. The YMCA were looking for an outdoor green space for people to work the land with supervision and to be accessible to all from dawn to dusk. The Oasis would be used also by local residents and groups and be a low key, grass roots facility preserving the sense of peace.
All guest speakers left the meeting.
The meeting commenced at 7.30pm
2021-108 Welcome and resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence.
Cllr Bucke had sent her apologies as she was on holiday.
It was RESOLVED to accept her apologies and reasons for absence.
2021-109 Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.
2021-110 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.
The Police, District and County Councillors reports were made available prior to the meeting. Cllr Darcel thanked the clerk for her quick response to his recent email. No further comments were offered.
2021-111 Chairman's remarks
The Chair requested that councillors raise their hands and wait to be invited to speak. The chair had received a positive comment on how active the Cherry Willingham councillors were. However, she did ask that councillors keep within the limits of their powers and to keep the Clerk and RFO informed at all times.
2021-112 To receive the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 19th July 2021 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to accept the notes and they were duly signed as a true record
(1 abstention).
2021-113 To receive the results of the parish survey and agree an necessary actions (Cllr Burge)
The results had been circulated and thanks were given to those who produced the sunvey and also those who helped conduct the survey. It was a good public relations exercise and the council now had to act on the results. The V'IC had agreed to organise a Christmas Quiz on the 4th December at the village hall and a working group would be set up. It was hoped that the event would be self funding but the council would initially need to pay expenses from the events budget. Any profit from the event would be donated to a local group charity.
It Was RESOLVED to pay the village hall deposit and that a task and finish group be set up and they would request approval of a budget at the October meeting.
All committees to consider the appropriate replies from the survey,
Survey results to go in the Cherry News
The quiz to be advertised in the Cherry News
Cllr Burge asked for an apology from the chair to Cllr Brylewski and himself in relation to a
conversation held during the survey on the Parade. The Chair offered an apology but thought that Cllr Burge should also apologise for not responding to a request asking to delay finalising the survey until she returned from holiday.
2021-114 To agree a proposal that all future Village Questionnaires and surveys should be agreed by the full Parish Council prior to issue and to consider if a survey should be done annually (Cllr Bridgwood).
The survey had been very beneficial and consultation with the public was important. It was highlighted that in future the clerk and RFO should be involved and all committees . There may be a future need for focused questionnaires by committees which may need to be carried out immediately. The proposal was amended to do a survey bi-annually and that short focus surveys should be carried out when the need arose.
It was RESOLVED to accept the amended proposal (2 against and l abstention).
2021-115 To agree a proposal that all councillors should have administration access to the Facebook page (Cllr Mellor)
The Cherry Willingham Facebook page should be used more and updated with more contributions from councillors. The discussion included concerns that at present, Cllr Fleetwood was the only administrator but Facebook recommends a minimum of 2 and there should be moderators, perhaps from committees. However communications should be via the clerk and comply with the Social Media Policy.
It was agreed to defer the matter and discuss it at committees and at the next full council meeting.
2021-116 Financial Matters - RFO.
To resolve to receive the Schedule of Receipts and Payments for July and August 2021.
Receipts showed 2 donations totalling £200 towards the village sign with the net cost of £170 to the council. Thanks to Cllr Brylewski for securing the donations
The payments showed £400 to Labosports for the cricket ball strike assessment to be shared
with the cricket club.
It was RESOLVED to accept the schedule or receipts and payments for July and August 2021.
To agree any action in relation to the unpaid user fee from the Cricket Club
After several reminders this had not been received nor their contribution towards the assessment.
ACTION: invite a representative from the club to attend a formal meeting to discuss the matter.
To seek approval to pay the annual insurance premium of £1,411.28.
The RFO had updated the value on several items and included the bridge over the Delph and thl' safety surface under the ride at the play park.This had resulted in an increase in the premium to £1,411.28 which was over budget.
The RFO was thanked for her work.
It was RESOLVED to pay the premium.
2021-117 To consider requests from the churches in Cherry Willingham (Christians Working Together group) to use Parish Council land as follows and agree actions accordingly:
Subject to suitable ground conditions to use the Dog Agility grass area on Cherry Fields as a temporary car park for the afternoon of Sunday 26th September thus allowing the normal car park to be used for Blue Badge Holders. (This is to facilitate parking at the Community Harvest Service being held at The Oasis at 3prn)
Cllr J Robinson declared an interest as she was in the group and would abstain as
would Cllr B Robinson.
To use the grass area at The Parade for an event on 31st October, (involves setting up a gazebo and giving out themed Activity Bags. Planned for set up from 3.30pm, event between 4.30pm and 7.30pm.)
To use Cherry Fields for a walking Nativity, planned for Friday 17th December.
(Event in aid or CW Primary School PTA funds. Even! planned for 6.30pm start)
To use the grass area at !he Parade for Carols on the Green. planned for Tuesday 21st December. (Involves setting up of a gazebo. Event planned for 7pm start)
It was RESOLVED to accept proposal a), b), c), and d) (9 for, 4 abstensions and I against)
It was noted that in future it would be considered whether such proposals should go via committees but in the past they had gone directly to full council for approval.
2021-118 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Parish Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc and agree any actions accordingly (note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairmen or members outside of the full council meeting in order to expedite the meeting)
a. Planning Committee - Chairman: Cllr Bridgwood
i) To receive an update from the Planning Committee and approve any actions. Planning applications had been discussed and comments made to WLDC.
ii) To receive a proposal that the planning committee have a fund allocated for specialist planning advice and to agree on an amount.
It was requested that a fund of £1,000 be budgeted for specialist advice on large/complex applications, after consulting with any local experts who had offered free advice. Any part of the budget which was unspent should roll over to the next year.
The meeting was suspended so Cllr Welburn could comment: she recommended that the planning officers at WLDC would be happy to help. The meeting resumed.
It was RESOLVED to allocate a fund of £1,000 in next year's budget (2 absentions, 3 against)
b. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A)-Chairman: Cllr Brylewski
To receive an update on the meeting held on the 6th September 2021
1. To review the list of urgent repairs to the play equipment and agree to any actions necessary including granting additional funds.
There are some urgent repairs including a replacement swing costing £450 and the replacement surface.
ii. To consider the options for resurfacing the play area at Laburnum Drive and agree any actions.
Wick.steed was the cheapest quote (of three) and the council was pleased with their previous work. Their quote was subject to survey and that would be carried out on Thursday.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Wicksteed quote up to the budget of £5,000.
It was RESOLVED to the virement of £500 from the unspent burial ground marker project fund to the Leisure and Amenities maintenance fund..
iii. To neceive the results of the survey into the depth of soil at Tanfaine and discuss the implications for use of the land as future burial ground
Part of Tanfaine was suitable as a depth of 6’ had been dug but in other areas only I metre could be dug. This meant that the north eastern corner had potential as a normal burial ground and the western end as a natural burial ground. Ideally trees would be planted in the next few years to create a suitable environment. Concerns were raised that the proposed site was on an incline. a long way from the road and outside the village.
It was RESOLVED that the New burial ground Task and Finish group look at costings for the required facilities at Tanfaine together with other options and Cllrs Andy Burge and Bridgewood to join the task and finish group.
iv. To discuss the proposal regarding the use of Tanfoine as a natural burial ground and agree any actions accordingly.
Paul Disley had expressed interest in buying 3 acres. renting or working in partnership with the council. He felt it was an opportunity for this parish council to be the first to offer a council run facility and it would bring income.
Needs to be considered in more detail and more information needed.
It was RESOLVED to add to the remit of the new burial ground task and finish group to look at natural burials.
v. To receive an update and agree any actions in relation to the cricket club. Cllr Brylewski and Trahearn to get more quotes for netted cricket ball stop fencing.
c. Allotment Feasibility Group - Cllr Fleetwood
i. To consider a proposal that the Parish Council works towards providing allotments in principle.
There had been no meeting as the group were waiting for the results of thc holes dug at Tanfainc.
ii. To agree any actions to be taken in the light of any decision taken
It was RESOLVED to postpone item c) until after the meeting of the allotment group.
ACTION: The group to arrange a meeting and the Clerk to put this item at the beginning of the October meeting.
d. Finance and General Purposes Committee- Chairman: Cllr .J Robinson
To receive a report on the meeting held on the 9th September 2021 and to approve the actions of the Committee:
i. Approve the appointment of an Internal Auditor.
It was RESOLVED to use the internal Auditor provided by s recommended by the committee.
ii. Approve the committee's recommendation that no changes be made to the existing bank accounts.
It was RESOLVED to approve the committees recommendation ( I against)
iii. Agree the amendments to the grant policy application form.
It was RESOLVED to agree the amended policy. application form.
e. Cherry Fields Committee - Chairman - Cllr J Robinson
i. To receive a report on the meeting: held on the 8th September 2021
The dyke flailing was done well.
ii. To receive a report on the Community picnic held on the 12th September.
A count by the car park marshals had shown that over 400 people attended and it was very well received.
Thanks were given to all councillors who helped. It was suggested that it could
be held next year as part of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. The Royal
British Riders Branch raised £151 in donations and should be sending a letter of
iii. Agree to £500 being transferred from balances for the additional cost expected to be incurred in Maintenance and equipment hire.
It was anticipated that gradually the project budget would go down but the maintenance budget would have to go up. The increase in usage of the site this last year had resulted in more wear and tear. The equipment needed were a digger, roller and a drag for path maintenance.
It was RESOLVED to transfer £500 from balances. (5 against, 1 abstention)
iv. Agree to the raising of a Purchase Order for Tree Mats and Pegs costing £1180 as detailed in the approved Project budget in the current year.
It was RESOLVED to agree to raise the Purchase Order (2 abstentions)
v. To consider the recommendations by the committee on the oasis tenancy and the transfer of lease from Worth Unlimited to the YMCA,
Cllr Lacy declared an interest as he was an Oasis volunteer.
Following a meeting with Worth Unlimited by Cllrs J Robinson and Trahearn it was suggested that any unused land at the Oasis could be used for allotments and also that the YMCA should be involved in partnership with the Oasis to cover the social work aspect. A letter from worth Unlimited outlined that they did not feel that they could run allotments and that they either employ the YMCA or a new lease given to the YMCA.
Concerns were raised that this had not been given sufficient discussion time and that more information was needed.
It was RESOLVED to defer this item to the next meeting with a request that it is at the start of that meeting.
f. Village Improvement Committee (VIC) - Chairman: Cllr Andy Burge
i. To receive a report on the meeting held on 1st August 2021 and agree any actions as necessary.
A Christmas tree had been ordered.
ii. Agree actions in relation to the budget shortfall of £450 due to additional costs incurred to purchase posts and straps for the installation of speed signs.
Graham Butler from Highways had given advice on the siting of speed signs and had suggested putting up 4 posts to enable the signs to be moved. However, the cost would exceed the budget by at least £450.
It was RESOLVED to ratify the budget shortfall up to £500.
iii. Agree the Litter picking Risk Assessment Policy
It was RESOLVED to agree the Policy.
iv. Agree the Gilbert's Pond Open Water Policy
It was RESOLVED to agree to the Policy.
g. Employment Committee- Chairman: Cllr Bucke
To receive any update.
No report.
2021-119 Website and Technology- Cllr Trahearn
To receive an update on the Website.
The clerk had completed a two part course run by LALC on website maintenance. LALC in conjunction with Peter Langford were offering a website service for £15pm which would upload all documents to our website. To be considered at the next meeting.
Work was in progress to move the Community website onto the Parish Council website. Thanks were given to the Clerk for her work on the website.
2021-120 Clerks matters to report including any formal correspondence received.
Help was requested to empty the office furniture prior to painting. Any correspondence had been circulated upon receipt.
2021-121 The date of the next meeting:
Monday 18th October at 7.30pm (agenda items by noon Monday 11th)
The meeting finished at 9.38pm
Additional documents available from the clerk
**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.