October 2021 Minutes
Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council at 7.30pm on Monday 18th October 2021 at The Vine Centre, Cherry Willingham.
Present: Cllrs Jenny Robinson (Chair), Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Bates, Bucke, Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Brylewski, Fleetwood, Houghton, Palmer, Barry Robinson and Scott.
Gill Shaw (Clerk to the Council)
Rev Jennifer Matthews was a member of the public in attendance.
The meeting started at 7.32pm
2021-125 Welcome and resolve to accept apologies received by the clerk and accept reasons for absence.
The Chair introduced Rev Jennifer Matthews who was the new Methodist Minister and who had expressed her interest in learning more about the village and its activities.
Cllr Lacy had sent his apologies as he had a prior appointment, Cllr Mellor was ill and Cllr Bridgwood was away.
District Councillors Anne Welburn and Cherie Hill had also sent their apologies.
It was RESOLVED to accept their apologies.
2021-126 Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.
2021-127 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.
Several reports were made available prior to the meeting.*
It was RESOLVED to request more detailed information in the future police reports.
It was RESOLVED to write to the police to ask them to support the speed watch team by attending some of the sessions.
ACTION: Clerk to send the requests
2021-128 Chairman's remarks
2021-129 To receive the notes of the Full Council meetings held on 20th and 30th September 2021 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.
It was RESOLVED to hold these over to the next meeting as several councillors had been unable to read them.
2021-130 Financial Matters - RFO.
a.To resolve to receive the Schedule of Receipts and Payments for September 2021.
The documents were made available prior to the meeting*
It was RESOLVED to accept the schedule of receipts and payments (10 for, 1 abstention and 1 against).
b.To receive the bank reconciliation for the quarter ending September 2021
The documents were made available prior to the meeting*
It was RESOLVED to accept the bank statement and it was duly signed by Cllr Houghton.
c.To agree to apply for a cash and carry card from Bookers (Cllr Brylewski)
A cash and carry card would be useful when organising events but the best value for
money should still be obtained.
It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should apply for the card.
d To agree to the purchase of a Remembrance Wreath.
It was RESOLVED to purchase a wreath to the value of £30 to be placed during the Remembrance Service by Cllr Bates.
2021-131 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Parish Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc and agree any actions accordingly (note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairmen or members outside of the full council meeting in order to expedite the meeting)
a) Allotment Feasibility Group - Cllr Fleetwood
To receive any update.
The next meeting was on the 20th October
b) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A)-Chairman: Cllr Brylewski
To receive an update on the meeting held on the 11th October 2021.
The balance of the maintenance budget would be spent on the reinstatement of the swing at St. Pauls and purchasing a repair kit and adhesive for the tiles.
To receive an update and agree any actions in relation to the cricket club.
Two quotes had been received for the cricket ball strike safety nets and more quotes had been requested. A meeting had been requested with the cricket club to discuss the situation and the possibility of applying for grants. The club had been notified that the Parish Council would not be able to rent the cricket ground to them until the safety problem had been solved.
To nominate a councillor to be a member of the youth and Community Centre steering group.
Cllr Brylewski had been invited to be a member in her personal capacity and another councillor was invited to be a member on behalf of the Parish Council.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Brylewski should attend in both capacities.
c) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chairman: Cllr Andy Burge
To receive a report on the meeting held on 27th September 2021 and agree any
actions as necessary.
The Christmas tree was to be delivered on the 24th November and councillors
were asked to assist and details would be sent by Cllr Andy Burge.
On the 29th, the lights would be switched on at 4.30pm and councillors were
encouraged to attend the event. Refreshments would be offered, also a lucky
dip and childrens fancy dress competition. Odette Millar (this year’s recipient
of the Stead Community Award) had been invited to switch on the lights.
To receive a recommendation that two Remembrance ‘Tommys’ be
purchased with a budget of £400 from balances
It was RESOLVED to purchase two Remembrance ‘Tommys’ which would
be on permanent display, the location to be discussed by the VIC and brought
back to Full Council. If they arrived before the Remembrance Service, they
could be temporarily displayed during the service.
To approve a budget £400 from the events budget for the Christmas celebrations.
The balance of the events budget was £570 and if £400 was approved for the Christmas celebrations (lights event and quiz), it would leave a £170 budget for the purchase of replacement lights.
It was RESOLVED to agree to £400 from the events budget.
Donated raffle prizes for the quiz were to be left with the Clerk.
To receive the recommendation that the council adopts the 20s Plenty Scheme.
Documents were circulated prior to the meeting*. This had been successful in
towns and was being rolled out in villages. LCC were presently considering the scheme for Lincolnshire.
ACTION: To ask residents about the 20’s Plenty scheme at the Autumn Parish Council and to discuss their views at the next meeting.
To consider the proposal to install CCTV on The Parade.
The Coop had been asked if a camera could be installed on their
building utilizing their own system.
ACTION: The VIC to get more information and prices.
Finance and General Purposes Committee - Chairman: Cllr J Robinson
To receive any updates.
The next meeting would be on the 4th November and next year's budget
request was still required from the VIC.
Planning Committee – Chairman: Cllr Bridgwood
To receive an update from the Planning Committee and approve any actions.
The committee had submitted comments not supporting two applications:
Application 143588 - land to the rear of 19 High Street
Application 143672 - 64 Croft Lane.
It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the committee (1 abstention)
Cherry Fields Committee - Chairman - Cllr J Robinson
To receive a report on the meeting held on the 13th October 2021 and agree to any decisions as necessary.
The grant application to the Coop had been successful and was through to the voting. Two community planting days had been arranged for the 20th and 27th November. The 2021 community picnic had been very successful.
To agree a date for the Community Picnic in 2022.
Following the success of this year’s picnic, it was proposed to arrange another
for next year on the 16th July with a back up date of 10th September.
It was RESOLVED to agree the dates (7 in favour, 4 abstensions and 1
Employment Committee- Chairman: Cllr Bucke
To agree to the RFO’s hours being increased from 5 to 7 hours each week plus overtime to attend necessary meetings effective from 1st April 2022.
It was RESOLVED to agree the proposal.
2021-132 Website and Technology- Cllr Trahearn
To receive a recommendation that the council joins the LALC scheme for the maintenance of the website at a cost of £15pm
It was RESOLVED to agree the proposal but to review before the end of the six months contract.
2021-133 To receive the proposals from the committees that all councillors should have administration access to the Facebook page (Cllr Mellor)
Deferred to the next meeting.
Committees to prepare their recommendation to the Clerk.
2021-134 To agree a date and budget for the Queen's Platinum Celebrations in 2022 and appoint a working group.
It was agreed that plans had to be made now for the Platinum Celebration weekend in June 2022. The school had indicated that they may be willing to host the Saturday event on the 4th June, a Bonfire on the airfield was suggested in conjunction with Fiskerton and Reepham for Thursday 2nd June being the Beacon Day. Also suggested were: commemorative mugs for children, music and a singer.
It was RESOLVED to set up a Beacon/bonfire task and finish group to investigate the feasibility of a beacon/bonfire, to consider other ideas and to contact the other villages.( Cllrs B. Robinson, Bates, Andy Burge).
It was RESOLVED to set up a task and finish group to look at what celebrations could be arranged for Saturday 4th and to also look at how to assist in street parties on the Sunday (Cllrs J Robinson, Brylewski, Bucke, Angela Burge and Palmer).
It was RESOLVED to agree a budget of £2500 for the events.
2021-135 To discuss actions to be taken following the village survey replies (Cllr Andy Burge).
Any actions should be published in the Cherry News.
Committee Chairs to write to the Clerk confirming any actions to be published.
Group to be set up to assess the survey comments. Each committee was to nominate someone to go on the group.
2021-136 To note the proposed ceremony for the installation of the Jim Baker Memorial Bench (Cllr Brylewski)
The memorial would take place by the new bench on The Parade on Saturday 23rd October at 2pm.
2021-137 Items for the Autumn Parish meeting to be held on the 25th October.
9.04pm Cllr Houghton left the meeting.
Items to be included were future burial ground, 20’s Plenty Scheme, CCTV on the Parade, allotments, Jubilee celebrations, jubilee beacon, the Marina, Cricket ground.
9.07 Cllr Houghton returned.
ACTION: Committee Chairs to send pictures to the Chair for inclusion in a presentation.
2021-138 Clerks matters to report including any formal correspondence received.
Previously distributed.
2021-139 The date of the next meeting:
Monday 15th November at 7.30pm (agenda items by noon Monday 8th)
The meeting finished at 9.10pm
*Documents available from the clerk