March 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held virtually at 7.00pm on 15th March 2021

Present: Cllrs Brylewski (Chair), Fleetwood (Vice-Chair), Palmer, Mellor, Scott, Trahearn, Burge, Bucke, J Robinson, B Robinson, Lacy, Bates and Bridgwood

Gill Shaw (Clerk to the Council), Christine Hodgson (RFO & Assistant to Clerk) District Councillor Anne Welburn

No members of the public  were in attendance.

The meeting commenced at 7.00pm

2021-30  Welcome and to resolve to receive apologies and accept reasons for absence

Cllr Houghton had sent her apologies. The Council RESOLVED to accept her reason for absence.

2021-31  Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests

Cllr Fleetwood declared a pecuniary interest in item 6

2021-32  To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and  County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required

Cllr Anne Welburn informed the Council of forthcoming dates for planning training to be confirmed in due course. She had received requests for a bench to be sited on Green Lane. She also had a meeting with the department responsible for flooding issues and there is the Lincolnshire County Council's Development Fund Scheme.  They had discussed the work needed at the Lime/Fern Grove area, Waterford Lane and a collapsed drain on Fiskerton Road. The work was either planned or underway which would solve the flooding issues in these areas.

Cllr Fleetwood informed the council that, in his capacity as County Councillor, he was imminently due to meet with both the Flooding Agency and Highways Authority.  He encouraged the use of reporting pothole problems on Fix My Street.

2021-33  Chairman's remarks

The Chairman gave an instance in which she felt intimidated and bullied whilst visiting a resident. She highlighted the Nolan Principle which related to Councillors exhibiting high standards of conduct and the willingness to challenge poor behavior.  A good relationship between Councillors and staff is essential to a successful organization. Objective criticism is acceptable but not personal criticism.  She requested that staff should be treated with respect.

A letter of thanks had been received from a resident and whilst it was specific to one Councillor, the Chairman stated it was a thanks to all.         

2021-34  To receive the notes of the Full Council meeting held on 15th February 2021 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record

It was RESOLVED to accept them as a true record and they were duly signed.

2021-35  To receive a proposal that the Parish Council thank Cllr Fleetwood for his generous offer to pay for the application fee for approval to the riverbank steps at Cherry Fields but in view of the availability of Parish Council funds, that the Parish Council pays for the application themselves (Cllr B Robinson)

Cllr Fleetwood turned off his microphone and video

It was originally thought that the Environment Agency would waive the application fee but that was not correct.  Cllr Fleetwood had generously offered to pay the fee but the Parish Council had funds to cover this.

It was RESOLVED to accept the proposal and thanks were given to Cllr Fleetwood.

Cllr Fleetwood rejoined

2021-36  Financial Matters - RFO.  

 i) To receive the Schedule of Receipts and Payments for February 2021

  The schedule had been previously distributed and payments included the purchase of conference chairs for the Millenium Hall and the fee to the Environment Agency.

It was RESOLVED to accept the Schedule.

ii)  To receive an update on Expenditure v. Budget as at the end of February and to authorise the RFO to use Virement i.e. move unspent and available amounts to other budget headings, if necessary, to complete approved purchases in this financial year.  The RFO requested a virement of £446 to cover the Environment Agency fee.

It was RESOLVED to accept the virement.

2021-37  To agree the proposal that all Parish Council minutes are taken and written in accordance with NALC guidance as interpreted by the Clerk (Cllr B. Robinson)

Councillors commented on the necessity of allocating a name to all actions and that the minutes should contain sufficient detail and a balanced view. The Clerk was thanked

for her work.

It was RESOLVED to agree the proposal.

2021-38  To receive an update on 20’s Plenty (Cllr Brylewski)

This was a national scheme started in London reducing the speed limit to 20mph on certain streets where there were both pedestrians, cyclists and cars.  It  has been successful and is now trialing in more rural areas and may be suitable for certain roads in the village such as near the secondary and primary schools and on some estate roads. It was suggested that it may not appropriate for roads with more than 2000 vehicles per day. Public opinion had been invited in the Cherry News.

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski and Burge to research and discuss further.

2021-39  To receive an update on public consultation using the Cherry News in substitution of an Annual Parish Meeting which cannot be held due to Covid-19 restrictions - Cllr Brylewski

 The next issue of Cherry News contains 4 pages for public consultation on the work carried out by the Parish Council and to seek public opinion on future projects.  Thanks given to Cllrs J Robinson, B Robinson, Burge and Trahearn for their contributions.

2021-40  To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Parish Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc and agree any actions accordingly (note: queries from minutes, please see the

individual chairmen or members outside of the full council meeting in order to expedite the meeting)

a)Planning Committee – Vice Chairman: Cllr Palmer

To receive an update from the Planning Committee on the 26th February and to approve the actions as necessary.

The committee discussed the applications relating to The Solar Farm and requested a cycleway/footpath be considered, 9 St. Mark’s which has now been passed and the land between 19, and 21,23 and 25 High Street to which there had been no objections. The latter had archaeological importance and the bench at the entrance was to be relocated by the developer. A reply had not been received yet from the Enforcement Officer at West Lindsey District Council in relation to the continuing work at 23 High Street.

b)Employment Committee - Cllr Palmer. To receive an update of the Employment meeting on the 12th March 2021 and to approve the actions as necessary.

The committee approved seven policies which will be circulated to all Councillors.

ACTION: Clerk to circulate the policies and bring to the next Full Council Meeting for approval.

c)Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A)-Chairman: Cllr Robinson

i)To receive an update on the L&A Committee meeting on the 1st March 2021

The work at St Pauls had not been completed to a satisfactory standard and on- site meetings had taken place with the contractor who had confirmed that the work would be rectified.  It  was confirmed that no payment would be made until the Council is satisfied with the standard of work.

ii)To discuss the setting up of a Burial Ground feasibility group for planning a future burial ground

Whilst there was no immediate need for a new burial ground it was agreed that research should be initiated now.

It was RESOLVED to authorise the L&A to set up a Future Burial Ground task and finish group.

iii)To accept the quote for the cleaning of the play park surfaces.

The committee had obtained quotes for cleaning both play park surfaces which  had not been cleaned for many years.  Their proposed quote was for £1320 for  Laburnum Drive plus a yearly contract of £320 and £1640 for St Paul’s plus  £630 for the rumble strip and £440 for the yearly contract.The play parks would be closed during cleaning and would be safe to use after 2 to 3 hours

It was RESOLVED to accept the quote to clean the surface at St Paul’s including the rumble strip and if this was completed to a satisfactory standard, to accept the quote for Laburnum Drive with the option to authorise the annual


d)Finance and General Purposes Committee - Cllr Brylewski

To receive an update

There had been no meeting but thanks were given to the RFO for her continued work.

e)Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chairman: Cllr Fleetwood.

  i)To receive an update of the VIC meeting on the 9th March 2021l

The letter had  been sent to the Tenant at Tanfaine giving notice that the Tenancy Agreement will terminate next year and he may be offered another tenancy agreement which accommodates a footpath along the hedge and the possible location of allotments.

The minutes from the Cherry Fields Management Group had been circulated.  The replacement of the tables at the Millennium Hall was being researched by Cllrs Palmer and Mellor as to which tables best accommodate 17 people at a meeting. 

50 Hi-viz orange jackets were agreed to be purchased at a cost of £260 with the wording VOLUNTEER Cherry Willingham Parish Council

 ii) To receive an update from the Allotment Feasibility Group

Members had been allocated various topics to research including what size plot people would prefer, the supply of water, soil analysing and the preferred location. Members had also visited other allotments to see what facilities are offered.

 iii) To receive an update on the Cherry Fields Management Group (CFMG)

Thanks were given to all the volunteers for their help. The Heritage Orchard scheme which the Council had agreed to support was being advertised in the Cherry News.  Applications had been submitted for grants for fencing the dog agility area and the supply of trees. CFMG had been invited to submit a project for consideration for a possible future donation from a major construction company.         

iv)To discuss the proposal to purchase 3 new benches for the village,their location  and agree any actions accordingly.

It was RESOLVED to purchase 3 new benches, their location to be decided at the next meeting

2021-41  To consider other matters relating to work of the Council:

To agree to adopt the amended Terms of Reference for the Committees and Sub Committees - Cllr Brylewski and Cllr Palmer

The Clerk had been unable to complete the amendments to theTerms of Reference due to the volume of work and training but these would be circulated within a few days

ACTION: Clerk to bring to the next meeting for adoption.

2021-42 Website and Technology- Cllr Trahearn

To receive an update on the Website.

Thanks given to the RFO for adding the Agendas and Minutes.

2021-43 Clerks matters to report including any formal correspondence received

All relevant correspondence had been circulated upon receipt.

2021-44 To agree the Date of next meeting and the Parish Council Annual meeting

The next meeting to be held on 19th April

Councillors agenda items to the Clerk by Monday 12th

The meeting finished at 8.28pm