November 2021 Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council at 7.30pm on Monday15th November 2021 at The Vine Centre, Cherry Willingham.

Present: Cllrs Jenny Robinson (Chair), Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Bates, Bridgwood, Bucke, Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Brylewski, Fleetwood, Houghton, Lacy, Palmer, Barry Robinson and Scott. 

Gill Shaw - Clerk. Christine Hodgson - RFO 

District Cllr Anne Welburn

1 member of the public was present.

Prior to the start of the meeting, Darren Pepper from The Vine Community Church requested the council consider allowing the use of their electricity for ‘Carols on the Green’.

The meeting started at 7.32pm

2021-140 Welcome and resolve to accept apologies received by the clerk and accept reasons for absence.

The Chair welcomed the RFO who was back from an operation.

Cllr Mellor was absent but no apologies had been received.

2021-141  Members' disclosure of pecuniary interests.


2021-142 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

Reports from the police, D/Cllr Anne Welburn and D/Cllr Fleetwood had been provided prior to the meeting.*  The police had confirmed that a more detailed report of local incidents was available on their website.  

D/ Cllr Anne Welburn explained that West Lindsey is running a project for the Jubilee called ‘The Queen’s Green Canopy.  Each Elected Member will be afforded a tree to plant within their own Ward in a public location. Trees will be purchased to suit locations chosen by Ward Members and will be at the sapling stage. A commemorative plaque will be supplied with each tree. Cllr Welburn noted that the village had a previous Jubilee Tree planted at Gilbert’s Pond.

Cllr Fleetwood reported on the proposed change of route for the Viking Way resulting in it being  diverted through the village.  Individual comments can be made to the Countryside Access & Community Project Officer.

2021-143 Chairman's remarks 

The Chair gave thanks to Cllr Bates for attending the Remembrance Service and placing the wreath on behalf of the council.  He also gave an inspiring speech on each of the 5 soldiers.

2021-144  To receive the notes of the Full Council meetings held on 20th, 30th September and 18th October 2021 and to agree for them to be signed as a true record.

It was RESOLVED to accept the notes dated 20th September.

It was RESOLVED to accept the notes dated 30th September. (1 abstention)

It was RESOLVED to accept the notes dated 18th October. (1 abstention)

2021-145  To consider requests from the churches in Cherry Willingham (Christians Working Together group) to use the Parish Council’s power supply at their Christmas events - Carols on the Green.

It was RESOLVED to allow the request.

2021-146  Financial Matters - RFO.

i.   To resolve to receive the Schedule of Receipts and Payments for October 2021.*

The two ‘Tommys’ had been returned so the refund should be shown on the next statement.

It was RESOLVED to accept the Schedule.

ii.   To receive an explanation of how the Parish Council’s financial statements and accounts are made available to the public.

The important documents were already on the website but in future as much financial information as possible would be put on the website and be readily available to the public. However, the website was still being updated and historical records would be added in due course.

It was RESOLVED to accept the RFO’s proposal that in future more financial information would be made available.

2021-147  To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Parish Council and its Committees, Sub-Committees etc and agree any actions accordingly (note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairmen or members outside of the full council meeting in order to expedite the meeting)

a.   Finance and General Purposes Committee - Chairman: Cllr J Robinson

i.   To review the Council’s expenditure year to date against the budget.

There had been no new significant variants and an extra column had been added to show the potential year end figures and what could be transferred from reserves.  At present, £2,000 may have to be withdrawn from balances.  There would still be a healthy balance in reserves.

The present budget overspend was due in part to an increase in staff wages when their jobs were brought into line with the recommended national pay scale and an increase in their hours.

ii.   To review the draft budget for 2022-2023 and agree any changes accordingly*.

This showed the budget requests from each committee and the recommendation from the Finance and General Purpose committee.

General expenditure: In relation to salaries, the national annual pay scale increase had not yet been agreed between the employers and the union. The RFO’s weekly hours had been agreed to be increased from 5 to 7 next year. The estimated budget of £27,500 was up from the existing budget of £24,000.

The planning committee had requested a budget of £1,000 to cover any professional planning advice required. 

There was a major increase in the Parish events budget from £1,000 to £3280 to include the proposed Platinum Jubilee events.

Rental income from land had been reduced to take into account the possibility of not having income from the rental of Tanfaine.

The total for Governance and Administration was £34,000 last year but for this budget it was £48,000.

Playing Fields : Grass cutting, play inspections and general maintenance had all been increased. 

Cherry Fields: Grass cutting and maintenance had been increased

Village upkeep:  Grass cutting and maintenance had been increased mainly due to a number of trees needing cutting.

Burial ground: Grass cutting had been increased.

Millennium Hall: an increase for heating.

The projected total of the Running Costs of the Council was £75,995 as compared with £58,545 in the current year.

Project funding 

Each committee had put forward proposed Projects and budgets:

Cherry Fields  Committee £3000
Leisure and Amenities Committee £5000
Village Improvement Committee £9900

Details of each project were on the documents provided in advance of the meeting.

In addition Grants to Village groups would be included in the budget at £1000.

The estimated total of Projects was £18900 as compared with £15500 in the current year.

The total budget proposed had increased from £74,045 to £94,895.

iii.   To approve the Precept estimate for WLDC

The F&GP committee had approved this, subject to full council approval. 

The F&GP committee suggested that some money could be taken from balances especially as some of it was in relation to the Platinum Jubilee.  

The F&GP committee had recommended £6,895 should be taken from balances and to request a precept of £88,000.  The increase in the precept would be a rise from £54.81 pa to £64.83pa for a household in band D (+18%) .

The increase should be explained to the residents especially as there had not been an increase in the last 3-4 years.  Also to explain that our precept is one of the lowest in the area.

This precept estimate request would be submitted to WLDC before the end of November for their response. 

It was RESOLVED to accept this as the Estimated Budget (1 against, 1 abstention).

It was RESOLVED to take £6,895 from balances and to request an Estimated Precept of £88,000 (1 against, 1 abstention).

The Final Budget and Final Precept would be agreed at the January meeting when any response from WLDC would be known.

Thanks were given to the RFO.

b.   Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chairman: Cllr Andy Burge

i.   To receive a report on the meeting held on 1st November 2021 and agree to any actions as necessary.

In the meeting, the security of the Millennium Hall was discussed and it had been agreed to purchase a new lock, key safe and to get estimates to install a hatch between the office and the hall. 

The speed sign posts had not yet been delivered.  Speed watch sessions had been reduced to about 2 per week due to the shorter days.

ii.   To receive a request that a group be set up to compile a yearly maintenance schedule across all committees.

Thanks were given to D/Cllr Anne Welburn who attended the meeting to give her insight into the historic maintenance schedule of the village.  It was agreed to set up a group to assess all necessary maintenance, for all committees and to prepare a combined schedule.  

Cllrs Trahearn, Barry Robinson, Bates, Brylewski and Andy Burge volunteered to join the group.

ACTION: Cllr Burge to set up a meeting.

iii.   To note that the two  Remembrance ‘Tommys’ had been agreed to be returned for a refund.

Upon receipt, the VIC decided that they were not good value for money and they had been returned for a refund.  It was suggested that alternatives were investigated, including making our own from wood or metal.  It was pointed out that Remembrance Day is a memorial day to honour all armed forces members who have died in the line of duty since WW1 and any memorial should reflect this.

All councillors were encouraged to put their ideas to the VIC.

iv.   To ask for volunteers to help with the Christmas decorations.

The Christmas tree was due on the 24th November and help was requested to decorate it prior to the 27th when the lights were due to be turned on.  Odette Millar had been asked to turn on the lights.  Help was requested to put up the gazebo on the 27th around 11am.


  • Cllr Trahearn to put solar lights on the star for the top of the tree.
  • Clerk to purchase solar lights.
  • Cllr Barry Robinson to confirm the time needed for the cherry picker.
  • Cllrs Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Trahearn, Palmer, Bates, Barry Robinson, Brylewski and Fleetwood to help with the decorations.

Donations were requested for the Christmas Tree raffle, to be left in the Millennium Hall.

v.   To consider the proposal to install CCTV on The Parade.

The Coop had agreed to install a camera pointing towards the Christmas tree and benches, at their own cost.  A letter of thanks had been sent by the Clerk.

c.   Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A)-Chairman: Cllr Brylewski

To receive an update and agree any actions in relation to the cricket club.

The meeting with the cricket club had not taken place.  The Lincolnshire Cricket Board had indicated that funding may be available towards the cricket nets and the cricket club should apply.

d.   Planning Committee – Chairman: Cllr Bridgwood

To receive an update from the Planning Committee and approve any actions.

Application No: 143811 - removal of reserved matters at the Marina Development. 

The committee supported the application.  

There had been no further developments in relation to the land off Rudgard Avenue.

It was RESOLVED to approve the actions of the committee.

e.   Employment Committee- Chairman: Cllr Bucke

i.   To receive a report of the meeting on 8th November.

The committee had looked at the security of the Clerk and the RFO who were happy with the measures agreed at the VIC.

ii.   To approve the Lone working Policy.

The draft policy was to be reviewed by the committee.

ACTION: Cllr Lacy offered to amend the policy and would forward a new draft to the committee.

8.40pm D/Cllr Anne Welburn left the meeting.

f.   Cherry Fields Committee - Chairman - Cllr J Robinson

To receive an update.

No meeting had taken place.  Two tree planting days were arranged for the next two Saturdays.   

g.   Allotment Feasibility Group - Cllr Fleetwood

To note that this is to be discussed, together with the future burial ground at an Extraordinary meeting on the 22nd November. Members were asked to read all the briefing papers carefully.

2021-148  Website and Technology- Cllr Trahearn

To receive an update

Work was ongoing to move the community website on to the Parish Council’s website.

2021-149  To receive the views of the committees regarding councillors’ administration access to the Facebook page, discuss and agree any changes accordingly (Cllr Mellor)

It was RESOLVED that 7 additional councillors and the clerk would be added as administrators for a trial period of six months.(10 for, 2 against and 2 abstentions)

ACTION: Cllr Fleetwood to add the additional names. (Cllrs Andy Burge, Angela Burge, Mellor, Houghton, Bates, Barry Robinson and the Clerk) effective from 1st December 2021

Clerk to put a review on the June 2022 agenda 

2021-150  To receive an update from the Queen's Platinum Celebrations working group.

The beacon/bonfire group had yet to meet.  The Jubilee celebration group had met twice and discussed holding a treasure hunt on the Friday and a picnic on Laburnum Playing Fields on the Sunday. The Priory Pembroke Academy had confirmed the use of the sports hall and playing field for the event on the Saturday. 

ACTION: Cllr Brylewski to contact the manager of the sports hall.

2021-151 To discuss actions to be taken following the village survey replies (Cllr Andy Burge).

It was agreed that the council must act on the issues raised by residents.

ACTION: Each committee to nominate a member to join an action group.

2021-152 Clerks matters to report including any formal correspondence received.

All correspondence had been circulated upon receipt.

2021-153  The date of the next meeting: 

Monday 17th January at 7.00pm (agenda items by noon Monday the 10th)

*Additional documents available from the clerk

**Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of Council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next meeting.