2023 September Full Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council 

held at 7.00pm on 11th September 2023 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr Mr Burge (Chair), Cllr M Palmer (Vice-chair), Cllr Bates, Cllr Bridgwood, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr Houghton, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr Hughes Cllr K Mellor, Cllr J Trahearn.

Mrs C Hodgson RFO, Mrs L Clinkscales – Assistant Clerk.


Two members of the public were in attendance and expressed, they did not wish to speak.


The meeting commenced at 7.00pm


2023-58 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and the reasons 

for absence, where given.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the apologies from Cllr B Robinson & Cllr J Robinson.


2023-59 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and 

consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 

or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.



2023-60 To receive the draft notes of the Full Council meeting held on 17th July 2023 and the 

extraordinary  notes held on the 03rd August 23 and agree for them to be signed as a 

true record.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes from the 17th July 23 and the notes 

from the extraordinary meeting from the 03rd August 2023 as a true record.


2023-61 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County 

Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required. 

There are talks of Devolution to level up the government, Lincoln County Council and West Lindsey District Council are to consult with the  public whether to insert a mayor within  Lincolnshire. It comes with mixed feelings as it does not initially bring in money having a Mayor, but long term it  will assist as and when the government will hand money out the way in which it is filtered down it will benefit the 7 districts. cost attached to the mayor's office. By not having a Mayor may result in potentially more opportunities being missed. 

Police  PCSO Jackie Parker of September will have worked her redundancy,  she has been long serving within the area. it was suggested to write to her and thank her for her efforts. no replacement for this PCSO.

there has been a stop order on Scampton placed and been taken to the higher court


2023-62 To receive a report from the Chair.

Cllr Burge welcomed the new member, Cllr Hughes, to the council. Cllr Burge also thanked all those involved with the Produce Show  which was a success, and those who assisted with the Autumn Parish Survey.


2023-63 To receive a report from the Clerk.

Report previously circulated, Thanking all those that have helped in organising and the tidy of Millenium hall. No new crime report has been published. The online survey has been popular and has had a good response.


2023-64 To co-opt the new co-option members on to committees.

RESOLVED unanimously for Cllr Hughes to go onto the planning committee.


2023-65 To approve any action required following a fire/smoke alarm test

RESOLVED unanimously to make sure our insurance policy covers our smoke alarms. 

as there isn't anything wrong with the alarm system, just best practice to swap to a commercial system.The current alarm system had been installed by the same company who came out to carry out the inspections.


2023-66 To discuss the WLDC - NEW Large Village Retail Area Fund

RESOLVED unanimously after Cllr R Houghton report from attending the workshop that CWPC would apply for a grant Applications must be made in October.

(Action - Cllr R Houghton, Cllr Trahearn & Loo Clinkscales Ass/Clerk)


2023-67 To discuss the selling of any unwanted or unused office equipment.

RESOLVED any items under the sum of £50 will not be on the asset register, and can be sold.


2023-68 To discuss and approve any action of the CW football club folding and the advertising 

to other local teams on the football pitch.

RESOLVED unanimously that an advert would be placed in the ‘Cherry News’ advertising the hiring of this facility. Was also discussed and agreed that there would be a £50 Deposit and a £25 fee per match for anyone who wished to hire the pitch. CWPC will not be supplying nets.


2023-69 To receive an update on the Co-op Grant application.

Cllr Burge thanked Cllr J Robinson for her speedy response to put the application through, as CWPC were successful and will benefit massively.


2023-70 To approve “Christians Working Together” (local Methodists and Anglicans and The 

Vine) using the grass area at The Parade for a fun event on 31st October (All Hallows 


RESOLVED unanimously that the ‘Christians Working Together’ to use the space requested.


2023-71 To approve “Christians Working Together” using the grass area at The Parade for a 

Christmas event in December 

RESOLVED unanimously that the ‘Christians Working Together’ to use the space 



2023-72 To discuss Meetings and their venue arrangements and approve any necessary 


RESOLVED that all committee meetings would be staggered to give the Assistant 

Clerk to manage the workload. was also resolved that all Full Council meetings would be held at ‘The Vine’  and all extraordinary meeting to be evaluated at the time factoring in the topic, and the amount of people likely to be present  as to whether they would be held at ‘The Vine’ or ‘The Millenium Hall’ this was resolved with two against.


2023-73 To discuss and approve the purchase of name badges.

RESOLVED two against and one abstention to purchase magnetic name badges for the use of all public events and any occasion one of the CWPC members are representing anything they are attending.


2023-74 To discuss an interest from a resident volunteering with village maintenance and any 

action required.

There have been three people following the surveys offering there assistance on a 

voluntary basis for work around the village, it was decided the Assistant Clerk would 

form a register from the information given on the survey with everyone's details offering their help around the village. Volunteers would be covered under CWPC insurance.

(ACTION - Ass/Clerk)


2023-75 To discuss and approve whether the full council and any committee agenda should 

be published on social media.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Full Council agendas to be posted on Facebook with the condition comments are turned off.

(ACTION - Ass/Clerk)


2023-76 To discuss and approve which social media platforms we should use.

RESOLVED unanimously to continue to use Facebook as our method of engaging with the parishioners.


2023-77 To discuss and agree on an online subscription to an online survey system.

RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a year's subscription to use as much to our advantage to gain as much public input and interaction as possible. This will aid us in retrieving a full report on the Autumn Parish Survey 23.

(ACTION -  RFO & Ass/Clerk)


2023-78 Financial matters:

  1. To resolve to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for July & August. Copies of the document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at cwparishcouncil@gmail.com.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Receipts and payments for the months of July & August.


  1. To consider and approve that the RFO shall become the Primary User in respect of the online HSBC accounts.

RESOLVED unanimously for the new appointed RFO to be the primary user.


  1. To note the expenditure of £200 + VAT under Provision 4.5 of Financial Regulations to enable emergency tree work needed at Tanfaine.

To note, make the two trees safer in an emergency.


  1. To note receipt and publication of the satisfactory Conclusion of Audit Certificate from the External Auditors.

Noted, was published on notice boards and the website for the required duration.


  1. To receive an update on the Council’s insurance and resolve to renew the policy on 1/10/2023. 

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the increase in the policy with a 8% increase to the previous year in premium. the policy to be renewed with the current provider.


2023-79 To receive a report on progress with the YMCA tenancy agreement and agree to any 

action as required.

There is a new point of contact in post within the last four weeks. there has been 

report with an issue of a leak via the roof. Cllr Bridgwood is hoping to make contact and more progress within the next few weeks in time for the next full council.


2023-80 To receive reports and  recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the 

council and its committees, sub-committees etc, and agree to any actions 

accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes, please see individual chairs or members 

outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting)


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

No meeting has taken place since the last FC meeting.


  1. Planning Matters – Cllr T Bridgwood. 

To receive a report from the meeting on 18th August and approve any action taken including. 7

  1. Gallaghers Developments

The Planning committee have declined the offer to meet with developers as they will not be in favour of the plans, as the land they are building is not allocated within the new local plans.


  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair Cllr J Trahearn

No meeting has taken place.

  1. To approve the Playground risk management policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To resolve that, Councillors Andy Burge and Barry Robinson are authorised to spend up to an additional £350 ex VAT on materials to facilitate the pre-build of the tunnel assembly.

RESOLVED with one abstention to approve the expenditure, for this phase of the project.


  1. To resolve that Councillors Andy Burge and Barry Robinson are authorised to spend up to £1,500 on materials and plant (in addition to that already approved) to facilitate the onsite phase of the tunnel/mound project.  This to make a total project cost of £3,200.

RESOLVED with  three abstentions, the project has cost more than originally expected and more research into a project with the costing needs to be carried out prior to starting future projects. This brings the project to a close for phase one.


  1. To resolve a date for the future burial ground group to meet.

23rd October 7pm Millenium Hall.


  1. Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson

No meeting has taken place.

There has been a report of vandalism at the Lagoon, the fencing put around the area to keep people safe has been destroyed, Assistant Clerk to report to the Police.



  1. Village Improvements Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

To receive a report from the meeting on 7th September and approve any action taken including:

  1. To resolve ongoing issues with grazing tenancies.

RESOLVED unanimously to renew the grazing agreements on the basis this was the last reminder of the terms and conditions.


  1. Allotments Sub Committee.

No meeting has taken place.

  1. To approve the allotment Terms of Reference.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve.


  1. Fundraising Sub Committee – Chair Cllr M Palmer

To receive a report from the meeting on 14th August and approve any action taken including: 

Cllr Palmer reported the ‘Produce Show’ was a success for their first event and a total of £230 was raised for play equipment. The next event is 21st October 23 which is the ‘Pre-Loved’ Event. the next fundraising meeting is the 4th October 23, everyone is welcome 


  1. Human Resources Committee – Chair: Cllr I Fleetwood

To receive a report from the meeting on 1st September and approve any action  taken including:

The Chairman of HR Committee, Cllr Fleetwood, Thanked his Vice-chair Cllr Mrs Burge, for all their hard work on bringing the policies upto date and all their support in general. 


  1. To consider and approve the Data protection/ GDPR Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To consider and approve the Equal Opportunities Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To consider and approve the Whistle Blowing Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To consider and approve the Appraisal & Supervision Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To consider and approve the Probation Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To consider and approve the Pay Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To consider and approve the Training Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the above policy.


  1. To discuss and approve the proposed list of  ‘Best Practice’ policies we should adopt. (Note please list is in meeting pack)

RESOLVED to adopt a Social Media, Exhumation, Health and Safety.  the assistant Clerk to see if we hold these policies and bring them back to the Full Council for ratification. 

(ACTION - Ass/Clerk)





2023-81 To receive and discuss the succession planning report & any related matters 

produced by the HR committee in response to the council’s request at its meeting on 

17th July and the 1st September and approve any actions as necessary.


i. Council resolved to remove a particular word from the contract of

the RFO, which was originally ratified in July.

Carried unanimously.

ii. The previous clerk’s employment ceased on 31 st August. Council Resolved that the 

Acting Clerk’s hours be confirmed as 26 hours per week + 2 hours per week for work 

on CILCA qualification.

Further resolved that these hours have a start date of 18 th September 2023, with the current pay scale until annual review on 5 th October, with reference to the HR committee and Full Council.


2023-82 To confirm the date of the next meeting as 16th October 23 at 19:00 pm (agenda 

items required no later than noon Thursday 05th October 23.


Meeting ended at 20:58 pm


Signed Cllr Andrew Burge Chairman

