2023 June Full Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council 

held at 7.00pm on 21st June 2023 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr Andrew Burge (Chair), Cllr M Palmer (Vice-chair), Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr J Trahearn.

Mrs Christine Hodgson RFO, Mrs L Clinkscales – Asst Clerk.


A member of the public was in attendance and expressed an interest in the Planning section on the agenda.


The meeting commenced at 7.00pm


2023-22 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies and 

the reasons for absence, where given.

Cllr T Bridgwood was absent.


2023-23 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 

and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary 

Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.



2023-24 To receive the draft notes of the Full Council meeting held on 15th May 2023 and 

the extraordinary meeting on the 23rd of May 23 and agree for them to be signed.

as a true record.

RESOLVED unanimously to sign the 15th May notes as true record.

RESOLVED unanimously to sign the 23rd May notes as a true record.


2023-25 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and 

County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required. 

DCllr M Palmer has attended a meeting  where the Public Space Protection Order will be reinstated and will take us up to 2026, due to it expiring. CCllr I Fleetwood & DCllr T Bridgwood have agreed to work together to improve the roads and footpaths in and around the village. Ongoing road repairs are taking place. Lobbying is going on in the County Council and the issues are being brought forward but will still take time. CCllr I Fleetwood is in regular contact with Highways. The Parish Council is welcome to bring issues forward and he will take them to the official Highways meetings.

No police report this month, the dynamics within the police force are changing, there will be less PCSOs by the end of the year. Cllr Burge is going to contact the police to get clarification on the workings of the new changes ahead.

It was noted that floods are a highways matter, the more people that report these 

types of  issues that arise through Fix My Street, the more efficient the response


2023-26 To receive a report from the Chair.

Cllr Andrew Burge thanked Loo & Christine for their help in Jude’s absence and the supporting councillors that have also assisted when needed.

Was also noted that the Full Council meeting packs will be sent out 10 days prior to the meeting and 7 days for the summons.


2023-27 To receive a report from the Clerk. 

(Previously circulated)

With the ongoing concerns with the grazing holders, it was agreed to email one more time on the last working day of June and Cllr Andrew Burge to contact them both, this will be addressed and re-evaluated with the updates at the next VIC meeting and will be brought back to full council, if the concerns continue. 

The damaged bench on the parade, there is CCTV footage of the bench being vandalised and they have been able to identify the offenders, it has been passed over to the police, the family do not wish to reinstate the bench.


2023-28 To consider and approve the revised co-option policy. 

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the policy.

2023-29 To receive an update on the damaged Radar Camera and agree to any action. 

We have contacted the insurance broker to the contractor responsible, liability has still not been taken but they have requested two quotes for repair. With this being a specialist item there aren't many if anywhere to send it for analysis for the repair costs. It was thought that by the time and the cost of shipping it to the manufacturer it is not economical to keep pursuing. 

RESOLVED unanimously to write to the insurance company explaining that it's a specialist product and to put an end to the issue that we would be happy to accept a £250.00 settlement in lieu of the administration costs & the damaged clips that are required.


2023-30 Financial Matter

i To resolve to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for May. Copies of the 

the document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk cwparishcouncil@gmail.com

RESOLVED unanimously to accept. 

New speed radar and accessories were listed twice as the payment was split between CIL funding due to expire and the remainder of the balance came from the VIC.

ii To note the successful grant application from ECB for £30,125 in respect of Cricket Ball stop fencing for Laburnum Playing Field and to retrospectively approve the issuing of the Purchase Order to Fore sport Fencing for £30125 + VAT. 

RESOLVED unanimously to accept. When the planning application was approved there were only days to be able to process the ECB form, when processing the grant application despite all the conversations held there was no minute reference to complete the task. 

Cllr Andrew Burge gave thanks to Christine, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr T Bridgwood and Loo for the efficient and quick response to this.


2023-31 To receive a report on progress with the YMCA tenancy agreement and agree to any action as required.

Cllr T Bridgwood is now chairman of this, it has been agreed to have a licence on a rolling contract annually. The land needs to be deregistered, the licence isn't dependent on this.


2023-32 Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

No meeting has taken place since the last FC meeting.

RESOLVED that an F&GP meeting would be held in October as we are at the beginning of the financial year there is little to report


2023-33 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the 

council and its committees, and Sub-committees etc, and agree any actions 

accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairs or 

members outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting).


a Planning Matters – Cllr T Bridgwood. 

To receive an update from the planning committee and approve any actions.

Review the following planning applications against the policies contained in the Cherry Willingham Neighbourhood Plan and agree responses referencing the relevant policies.


Standing Orders suspended – members of the public to speak.


i) 146672 15/03/23 28 Hawthorn Road Cherry Willingham, LN3 4JX. 

Remove conservatory & amp; chimney stack & amp; erect single story. 

rear extension.


ii) 146412 15/03/23 49 Laburnum Drive, Cherry Willingham, LN3 4AR. 

Proposed extension & amp; alterations.


iii) 146522 15/03/23 Laburnum Playing Field, Laburnum Drive LN3 4AS. 

Install cricket ball stop netting.


iv) 46668 18/03/23 37 Larkin Avenue, Cherry Willingham, LN3 4AZ 

Single story front extension & amp; two story near extension and 

render finish to areas of existing dwelling.


v) To propose a reformation of the committee/ working group with 

councillors and co-opted parishioner members.

RESOLVED unanimously, with the amended Terms of Reference to be brought back to full council.

vi) To propose a working group to improve the conditions of the roads in 

and around Cherry Willingham

RESOLVED unanimously that a group to be formed and to go through the                 VIC.

vii) 146760 06/03/23 14 Hawthorn Avenue Cherry Willingham Lincoln LN3 

4JS Single storey rear extension and other alterations.



Standing orders reinstated.


b Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair Cllr J Trahearn

To receive a report from the meeting on 22nd May and approve any actions taken.

Following a meeting down at the burial ground, it was decided not to pursue the removal of solar panels on graves, it has been tidied and cleared of all Christmas and Easter items. It has been agreed councillors would go and keep regular a check and tidy when necessary. Work on a risk management policy has been taking place and will hopefully be passed at the next L&A Meeting to bring to the next full council.  There has been great progress made with soil for the mound at St Pauls Park.


c Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson

To receive a report from the meeting on 17th May and approve any actions taken. 

The new tree identification board has now been installed and is situated near the dog agility area, Cllr J Robinson welcomes everyone to look at the materials and the quality of the board for any future projects. The picnic is scheduled on the 1st July 2023 weather dependent, there is a backup date of the 8th July. Volunteers and helpers are welcomed for assistance with the parking, moving of items, there will be a gazebo with a collection bucket if anyone would like to talk to the residence. It was agreed to count cars/people to measure the popularity. There will be bike trials.


d Village Improvements Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

To receive a report from the meeting on 18th May and approve any action taken including:

With such a positive response from the planter on the parade to commemorate the late Queen one has been ordered to celebrate the King’s coronation. The new flagpole has now been installed.

i) To consider and approve the CCTV security camera policy. 

RESOLVED unanimously to accept, with the VIC to look at arranging to source the relevant equipment to allow the CCTV to operate.


e Allotments Sub Committee.

No meeting has been held but there will be one before the next FC in July.


f Fundraising Sub Committee – Chair Cllr M Palmer

To receive a report from the meeting on 31st May and approve any action taken including: 

A produce show will be the first event in hope the to engage with the community and the allotment holders and get all ages involved. This will be held on 2nd September 23. There is a winner’s cup that is intended to be up-cycled to award to the winner (to be held for a year) it will be advertised at the picnic. There is also a Pre-loved sale planned, date to be agreed.

i) To approve the Terms of Reference for the Fundraising Group. 

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Terms of Reference for Fundraising

ii) To approve the request for the funding of room hire for the first 


The Produce show.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the sum of up to £100 for the first event.


g Human Resources Committee – Chair: Cllr I Fleetwood .

i) To consider and approve a contract of employment.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the new contract of employment.

ii) To consider and approve person specification.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the personal specification for the 


iii) To consider and approve the job advertisement.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the internal job advertisement and publish before the next FCM.

iv) To approve the revised HR Terms of Reference. 

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the HR Terms of Reference.


2023-34 To receive and discuss the succession planning report & any related. 

matters produced by the HR committee in response to the council’s request at its 

meeting on 2nd June and approve any actions as necessary. 

There was confusion over the “pink notes”, it was agreed that a detailed copy of the minutes be kept in the locked filing cabinet in the parish office, to be accessed by all councillors only, a resume will be produced to be circulated with Full Council minutes. Office keys, phone and leave record have been returned to the office. Clerk has been contacted as per policy, Cllr Fleetwood to contact Clerk as per her request RFO post to be advertised internally only.

2023-35 To consider and approve any Co-option applications. 

Both applications were accepted to Co-opt both members onto the parish council.

RESOLVED unanimously S Bates & R Houghton were co-opted on to the council.

2023-36 To confirm the date of the next meeting as 17th July 23 at 19:00 pm.

RESOLVED unanimously.


Meeting closed 8:53pm


Signed: Cllr Andrew Burge
