2023 May Full Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm

0n 15th May 2023 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr P Bucke.

Mrs J A Sparks – Clerk/RFO, Mrs L Clinkscales – Asst Clerk.


A member of the public was in attendance and did not wish to speak.


The meeting commenced at 7.00pm


2023-1 To elect a Chair and complete an acceptance of Office form.

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr Andrew Burge as Chair and the Acceptance form was duly signed.


2023-2 To elect a Vice-Chair.

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr M Palmer as Vice-Chair.


2023-3 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including to accept apologies 

and the reason for absence was given.

None received.


2023-4 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism 

Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disposable Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.

None received.


2023-5 To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 17th April 2023 and 

EGM on 24th April and confidential notes from both meetings and agree 

for them to be signed as a true record.

RESOLVED unanimously to defer until the closed session.


2023-6 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, 

District and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

Outside bodies and police reports had been previously circulated. D/Cllr M 

Palmer thanked those who voted for her and has started her training at WLDC. Hopes to bring some of that to benefit CWPC. D/Cllr T Bridgewood also went on to reiterate. C/Cllr I Feetwood CC continues as usual, their annual meeting of LCC 19.05.23


2023-7 To receive a report from the Chair.

Cllr Andrew Burge thanked everyone, plans to be open and honest with hope 

to all work as a team. Thanks was also received for the councillors and 

volunteers who helped with ‘Big Help Out’. Cllr Andrew Burge thanked Cllr J 

Robinson for all her work over the last 2 years. Congratulated all new DCllrs 


2023-8 To receive a report from the Clerk.

Circulated earlier


 2023-9          FINANCE 


i) To receive and approve the schedule of receipts and payments for April 2023.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept.


ii)         To resolve to approve Section 1- Annual Governance Statement  

             2022/23 (signature of Chair and Clerk to be added)

RESOLVED unanimously was signed by the Chairman & Clerk.


iii)        To resolve to approve Section 2-Annual Government Statement

             2022/23 (signature of Chair to be added)

RESOLVED unanimously, was signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

Cllr J Robinson thanked the Clerk & RFO for their work.


2023-10. To receive a report on the YMCA tenancy and approve any 

actions required.

Resolved with 1 abstention, Cllr T Bridgewood met with the YMCA 

the decision to do a licence to review in 12 months, this provided 

continuity for 3 years . This would be brought back to full council 6 

months prior to the agreement renewing.


2023-11. To resolve to agree to adopt the Terms of Reference for all committees 

& sub-committees where available.

Resolved to accept the policies. A few items to note HR Policy has been 

accepted with amendments to be brought to FC once the new Hr committee 

have had a meeting addressing the changes required. There were also 

amendments to the Allotment TOR which will be brought back to FC.  VIC

terms of reference was accepted with the amendment of adding the 

responsibility of the FlagPole


2023-12. To review & approve Standing Orders.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept.


2023-13. To review the structures of the committees and resolve on membership of committees.

(Note: It is a requirement of the Annual Meeting that the Council elects Members to committees. Each Member must sit on at least one committee. Chairs of committees, apart from Finance, will be elected by committee at their first meeting following the Annual meeting.)

  1. As of 15th May 2023, the following appointments are held:

  2. Clerk/RFO – Mrs Jude Sparks

  3. Assistant Clerk – Mrs Loo Clinkscales

  4. Finance Assistant – Mrs Christine Hodgson

  5. Internal Auditor – Mr Andrew Everard

  6. Registrar to the Burial Ground – Clerk

  7. CWPC Website Organiser – Mrs Loo Clinkscales & Cllr Trahearn

  8. CWPC Facebook Organiser – Mrs Loo Clinkscales

RESOLVED Unanimously to accept the appointed people.

  1. Appointments for the positions below confirmed at the Full Council meeting:

  2. HSBC Cheque signatories/bank payment authorisers Cllr J Robinson,Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr S Brylewski

  3. Signatories of Nationwide account (4) Cllr Andrew Burge,Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr P Bucke

  4. Signatories of Unity Trust Bank Account (4)  Cllr Andrew Burge, Cllr T Bridgwood,Cllr B Robinson,Cllr P Bucke.

  5. Certifier of bank statements – Cllr Houghton & Cllr T Bridgewood.

  6. Community Emergency Co-ordinator - Cllr Andrew Burge. 

  7. Deputy Community Emergency Co-ordinators.-

Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr B Robinson.

  1. Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator – Cllr Andy Burge.

           RESOLVED Unanimously to accept the appointed people listed above.

  1. Appointments for the following Committees/Groups confirmed at the Full Council meeting:


Finance Committee – maximum of 7 members including the Chair & Vice-Chair of the Parish Council and members of each committee (or selected members if Chair of the committee is the Chair or Vice-Chair of the Parish Council).

HR Committee – Cllr K Mellor, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr I Fleetwood.

Planning Committee – Not elected, Full Council to have the responsibility.

Village Improvement Committee – Cllr Andrew Burge, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr K Mellor.

Leisure & Amenities Committee – Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr S Brylewski..

Cherry Fields Committee - Cllr Andrew Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr P Bucke, Nigel Hooper, Alan Gardner, David Leonard

Burial Support Group – 4 members Cllr K Mellor, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr P Bucke.

Future Burial Ground Group -

Allotment Sub-Committee - Terms of Reference TBC Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr T Bridgewood, Cllr Andrew Burge, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr Angela Burge

Village Hall representative – Cllr Fleetwood

Facebook administrators - Cllr I Fleetwood, & Assistant Clerk Loo Clinkscales


2023-14. To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree to any actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairs or members outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting).

  1. Planning matters – Chair: TBC

To receive an update on any planning applications received since the April meeting and approve any actions taken.

No planning applications have been received. Cllr Bucke thanked the planning committee for their input with the Orchard Close planning application.

  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: TBC

i) To accept the L&A recommendation to approve the Burial Ground Terms & Conditions.

RESOLVED Unanimously.

ii) To receive an update on the Cricket Club and approve any actions required.

            The Clerk has written to the Cricket Club advising them of the decision by Council regarding play. Cricket Club to supply copies of their insurance. Outcome of the planning application for cricket nets is still awaited.

  1. Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: TBC

To receive a report from any recent meeting and approve any actions recommended.

It has been noted the committee is in search of a contractor, an advert will be put into Cherry News and Social Media. ‘The Big Help Out’ was a success and had 10 volunteers to offer the assistance. There is a community picnic being held on the 1st July 23. To note a Tree in memory for the late Derek Dear will be purchased for the Orchard at Cherry Fields, it will be the 100th Tree to be planted.

  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee (F&GP) – Chair: TBC

i) To accept the F&GPS recommendation to approve the Risk   Management Policy and to split Line 14 of the schedule:

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the proposed amendment.


ii) To accept the F&GPS recommendations to approve the following policies:


ii)           Accounting Procedures

iii)          Expenses Policy

(On the proviso that it is amended to include the statement for tractor claims and the tractor claim form is included)

iv)        Grant Guidelines for Applicants

v)         Procurement Policy

vi)        Asset Management Policy

vii)      To accept the F&GPS recommendation that the HR Committee review the list of policies and where appropriate refer to L&A, VIC & CFC to review.

  RESOLVED unanimously to accept.

  1. Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: TBC 

To receive a report from any recent meeting and approve any actions recommended.

No meeting has been held,the Queen Elizabeth II Planter is due 16th May 2023, there has also been a replacement flag pole ordered due for delivery later this month.


2023-15. Allotments Sub-Committee – Chair: TBC

To receive a general update on the allotments.

The Task and Finish group has now ceased  operation and is now moved to a sub-committee, Cllr B Robinson is very happy with how the project has developed and grown but is now taking a step back. There are a few growing queries for the new committee to deal with

i) Agree emergency telephone number for allotment holders to contact outside of office working hours.

RESOLVED with 1 abstention for a emergency email to be 

created for the Clerk and the Emergency Coordinators to deal 

with any enquiries.  (Action - A/Clerk)


2023-16. HR Committee - Chair: TBC 

       To receive a report from any recent meeting.

RESOLVED unanimously to defer until closed session.


2023-17. To consider whether to hold the Autumn Parish Meeting and if so, 

confirm the date as Wednesday 18th October.

RESOLVED with 2 abstensions, with not to have a physical meeting this year 

but to set up a task and finish a group to do a village survey. Was suggested it 

would need to be  constructive, the survey needs to engage with residents 

and to have no open questions with an outcome in view of the results to work 



2023-18. To consider and approve the formation of a fundraising group.

RESOLVED Unanimously to form the group member Cllr P Bucke, Cllr 

Angela Burge, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr M PAlmer, Cllr S Brylewski, Cllr Andrew Burge, Cllr I Fleetwood.


2023-19. To agree to update the Google Calendar with only relevant information.

RESOLVED to modify a few recurring items that were felt unnecessary.


2023-20.    Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the June 2023 agenda.

Farmers Market on the Parade, Produce Show


Suspended Standing orders at 9:00pm


i) To discuss staffing arrangements and agree actions as required.


2023-21. To confirm date of next meeting as Wednesday 21st  June at 7.00pm (agenda items required by noon Thursday 8th June)

Copies of the receipts and payments document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at cwparishcouncil@gmail.com