2023 April Full Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm
0n 17th April 2023 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham
Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Cllr J Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Cllr I Lacy, Cllr S Brylewski,
Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr M
Palmer, Cllr D Bates, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr V Houghton.
Mrs J A Sparks – Clerk/RFO, Mrs C Hodgson – Finance Assistant, Mrs L Clinkscales – Asst
DCllr A Welburn
Cllr P Bucke – apologies received.
DCllr Darcel
DCllr Hill
The meeting commenced at 7.00pm
2022-217 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies
and the reason for absence where given.
Cllr Bucke – apologies & absence reason accepted.
2022-218 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism
Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disposable
Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
i) Cllr Lacy declared an interest in Item 2022-226 as his wife is a volunteer.
2022-219 To receive the notes and the confidential notes of the Council meeting
held on 20th March 2023 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
Council RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record and agreed for them
to be signed.
2022-220 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District
and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.
i) Report from DCllr Welburn had been circulated earlier.
ii) No new crime figures were available - Asst Clerk to contact Insp Head.
(ACTION – Assistant Clerk)
iii) Cllr Fleetwood as DCllr advised that potholes have been filled in various
areas of the village and this will continue over the next week.
RESOLVED unanimously to move agenda items 7 & 8 (Chair & Clerk’s report) above the
Cricket Club items to allow time for a representative from the Cricket Club to turn up.
2022-221 To receive a report from the Chair.
i) The Chair notified Council of the sad death of Mr Derek Dear who had been a
stalwart supporter of Cherry Fields for many years. Council suggested it might
be appropriate for a tree to be planted in his memory. Cherry Fields
Committee to add to their agenda. Clerk to arrange for a condolence card to
be sent. (ACTION – Clerk)
ii) Congratulations were passed to all councillors for their recent success in the
uncontested election. Thanks were passed to both Cllr David Bates and Cllr
Ian Lacy, who had chosen not to stand again, for their contribution to the
parish council and the residents.
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iii) Cllr Jenny Robinson confirmed that she will not be standing to be Chair of the
next council and passed her thanks to all for their contribution in making a
positive difference to the village.
2022-222 To receive a report from the Clerk.
Report had been circulated earlier. Clerk explained how confidential reports will be recorded
from May 2023. To be reviewed in 3 months.
2022-223 To receive an update on matters relating to the erection of cricket
netting on Laburnum Playing Field. To resolve any actions required.
As a representative from the Cricket Club was not present Council proceeded with the
agenda items.
Cllr Fleetwood declared an interest as he is Chair of Planning at WLDC and did not vote on
this item.
i) Cllr Trahearn provided a report on the current situation. The planning
application has now been accepted by WLDC and thanks were passed to Cllr
Bridgwood, the Clerk, and the Assistant Clerk for their help with this.
ii) Consultation ends on 15th May and it is hoped to have some response from
WLDC by 9th June.
2022-224 To receive a report from the Cricket Club regarding play for the 2023-
2024 season. To resolve any actions required.
Cllr Trahearn suggested three options:
i) The Cricket Club is allowed to continue to play until the new netting is in place
but only batting in an easterly direction. However, that may not be allowed for
league matches.
ii) Allow the club to continue with playing one way for junior matches but 2 way
from wicket 8 and the newly created wicket 9 for league matches. The club
would have to undertake to put a second row of netting in between the first
and second bungalows as an extra measure.
iii) Stop play altogether.
After a lengthy and lively debate over the options available due to concerns as to safety a
recorded vote to accept ii) was taken. FOR: Cllr Bridgwood, Cllr Jenny Robinson, Cllr
Trahearn, Cllr Barry Robinson, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Bates, Cllr Lacy. AGAINST: Cllr Andy
Burge, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr Fleetwood, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Mellor. Motion was
carried. Clerk to write to the Cricket Club to let them know. (ACTION – Clerk)
Cllr Burge requested a recorded vote to defer a decision until further advice had been
received from both insurers. FOR: Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr Palmer, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr
Fleetwood, Cllr Houghton, Cllr Mellor. AGAINST: Cllr Bridgwood, Cllr Jenny Robinson, Cllr
Trahearn, Cllr Barry Robinson, Cllr Brylewski, Cllr Bates, Cllr Lacy. Motion was not carried.
It was agreed that if Full Council needs to make any further comment an Extra Ordinary
meeting will be called. The Financial Assistant advised that she will contact the council’s
insurers to make them aware of the proposed plan of play.
2022-225 Financial matters.
i) To approve the schedule of receipts and payments for March 2023.
Resolved unanimously.
ii) To resolve to receive the bank reconciliation for the quarter ending March 2023.
RESOLVED unanimously for the schedule of receipts and payments to be
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iii) To note the CIL report and approve signature by the Chair.
CIL reported noted and RESOLVED unanimously for the Chair to sign.
iv) Note the payment of £250 excess and £500 removal of roots cost in respect of
roots cost in respect of the claim at Fern Grove. Insurers have pointed out
that the claim is being paid under Third Party property damage’ and the
roots are not the property of the Third Party.
Council noted the payments.
2022-226 The receive a report on progress with the new YMCA tenancy and agree
and actions as required.
Cllr Lacy provided a report:
i) The new licence is working.
ii) Meeting to be held at the Millennium Hall on 19th April to view the new lease
which will then be referred to the Working Group for comment. If necessary,
obtaining solicitor’s advice can be considered at that point.
iii) As Cllr Lacy is stepping down from the council, he suggested that council may
wish to vote on a representative to replace him on the Working Group.
2022-227 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the
business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any
actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes please see the individual Chairs or members outside of
the Full Council meeting to expedite the meeting.) Where appropriate copies of relevant committee minutes have
been circulated earlier.
a) Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive a report from the meeting held on 12th April and approve any actions
accordingly including:
i) To note the new Unity Trust Savings account and note the signatories (subject
to change following May’s Full Council meeting).
ii) To receive any recommendations from the F&GPS following their review of
Income & Expenditure for 2022/23 and approve, as necessary.
The Finance Assistant provided a report and advised that rather than funds
being removed from balances funds had in fact been deposited.
Recommendation accepted and the Chair thanked the Finance Assistant for
her work.
iii) To receive any recommendations from the F&GPS following their review of the
allocation of Balances and approve, as necessary.
Burial fees received will now have the maintenance costs removed prior to
being placed in earmarked funds. RESOLVED unanimously.
iv) To receive any recommendations from the F&GPS following their review of the
Asset Register and approve, as necessary.
Missing assets to be added to list by the Finance Assistant and a standing item
is to be added to all committees for them to review and advise if items need
adding to the Asset Register. RESOLVED unanimously.
Cllr Lacy left the room at 8.15pm
v) To receive any recommendations from the F&GPS following their review of the
amended budget for 2022/24 following project requests from Village
Improvement & Leisure & Amenities committees and approve, as necessary.
RESOLVED unanimously that:
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a) £2500 to be added to Projects for the L&A Committee for the
purchase of play equipment.
b) £2500 to be added to Projects for the VIC Committee for purchase
of speed radar equipment.
c) £1500 to be added to Projects for the VIC Committee to purchase a
fire cabinet for the Millennium Hall.
d) £6702 to be added to Projects for the Allotment Task & Finish Group
to pay for the allotment entrance.
Cllr Lacy returned at 8.17pm
vi) To approve the recommendation of the F&GPS committee to change Financial
Regulations as detailed below: Section 4 – Budgetary control and authority to
Spend – clarify that committees have authority to spend up to £1000.
RESOLVED unanimously. Section 6- Instructions for the making of payments
– 6.3 request that the limit for a single payment per day be raised from £2000
to £2500. RESOLVED unanimously. 6.4 request that cheque payments are for
payments exceeding £2500. 6.15 – request that the debit card limit be raised
from £1000 to £1200 (i.e., £1000 + VAT). RESOLVED unanimously.
vii) To accept the recommendation of the F&GPS Committee to approve the list of
due payments which arise on a regular basis as a result of a continuing
contract, statutory duty or obligation (item 5.6 of Financial Regulations)
attached at Annex A. RESOLVED unanimously.
viii) To accept the recommendation of the F&GPS Committee to approve the use
of Direct Debits in respect of payments (item 6,7 of Financial Regulations)
attached at Annex B. RESOLVED unanimously.
ix) To accept the recommendation of the F&GPS Committee to approve the Burial
Fees, Playing Field User Fees and Millennium Hall fees for 2023- 2024.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept the current Burial Fees, to raise the Playing
Field User Fees by £5 and to raise the Millennium Hall hiring fee to £7.50 per
x) To note the Internal Auditor’s report if received and accept any
Noted. The Clerk provided an update and advised that no financial issues have
been raised and policy issues either have been or are in the process of being
b) Planning Committee – Chair: Cllr Bridgwood
To receive an update from the Planning Committee and approve any actions taken
Cllr Bridgwood provided a report:
i) Planning Application 146358 – Land adjacent to 2 Minster Drive – resubmission
of 146026 for 1 bungalow with side dormer windows. Council have objected as
there are still concerns.
ii) Planning Application 146400 – Fen Farm, Fenland Nursery – variation of
condition 4 of PP 144168 – extended opening hours. No objection.
iii) Planning Application 146412 – 49 Laburnum Drive – proposed extension &
alterations. Objection raised as the proposed application will no longer be in
keeping with those around it.
iv) Planning Application 146419 – 2 Flinders Way – single storey extension and
removal of conservatory and erect single storey sunroom extension. No
comment made.
RESOLVED with one abstention to approve the Planning Committee’s actions.
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Cllr Fleetwood advised that the Local Plan has now been adopted by WLDC so that is
now the principal document rather than the Neighbourhood Plan.
c) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Trahearn
To receive a report from the meeting on 4th April and approve any actions taken
i) A site visit had taken place at St Paul’s and a plan is being completed to go to
the Play Inspector for their comments.
ii) To approve an addition of £2500 to the existing Project Budget
for 2023/24 to use the £2500 that didn't get used for the cricket nets in 2022-
2023. As previously dealt with the item was not discussed.
d) Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive an update and approve any action taken including:
i) To discuss & approve possible prizes for the bike time trials
using S137. RESOLVED unanimously that this year’s entrants will receive
certificates with any prizes to be donated.
ii) Approve an increase of £70 in the budget for the Community. No longer
e) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andy Burge
The meeting due on 13th April did not take place.
i) Approve the continuation of the horse grazing lease for R
Edwards for a further six months until October 2023, on the
proviso that payment is made by standing order and if not
already held a copy of current Public Liability insurance is
provided. RESOLVED unanimously.
ii) To review the flag flying and agree dates of flags to be flown. Cllr Palmer
expressed her thanks to Cllr Bates for the work he has done over several years
to keep the flags flying. The Ukrainian flag that had been donated has sadly
been taken and the flagpole has been damaged in the process. RESOLVED
unanimously that going forward the Union flag will be flown permanently on the
flagpole by the Tommie’s. The only other flags that will be flown are St George’s
flag and the Lincolnshire flag.
iii) To approve the purchase of a Coronation flag up to the sum of
£30 (including VAT). Funds to be allocated from the VIC
budget using S137. RESOLVED unanimously.
iv) To discuss and consider any action to the security of the
flagpoles and approve any action. RESOLVED unanimously that a new
flagpole will address the security issues.
v) To consider & approve the purchase of a new flagpole up to the sum of £450
(excluding VAT) using S137. RESOLVED unanimously.
f) Allotments Implementation Task & Finish Group– Chair: Cllr Barry Robinson
To receive report from the meetings held on 15th March & 17th April and
approve any action taken including:
i) To receive a general update on allotments.
One plot is currently vacant. A policy has been agreed for selecting a holder
going forward. No contractor has yet been found to undertake the allotment
access. Anew tenancy agreement has been produced.
ii) Review possible names for the allotments and approve
accordingly. (Note: The Allotment T&F Group are recommending it be called
the Roy Bowser Allotments). RESOLVED unanimously to call the allotments
the Roy Bowser Allotments.
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g) HR Committee - Chair: Cllr I Lacy
To receive a report on the meeting held on 3rd April and approve any actions taken
i) Receive an update on the Millennium Hall opening hours and approve any
actions. RESOLVED unanimously to defer to the new council. (Subsequent
to the FCM this item will now be considered at the Extraordinary meeting on
th April).
ii) To note the Assistant to the Clerk’s successful completion of probation and
agree to the change of title to Assistant Clerk. Noted and RESOLVED
unanimously to change title as recommended. Congratulations were passed
to the Assistant Clerk on her achievement.
iii) To approve the revised Disciplinary Procedure. RESOLVED unanimously
with recommended amendments.
iv) To approve the revised Grievance Procedure. RESOLVED unanimously.
RESOLVED unanimously to suspend Standing Orders to allow the remaining agenda items
to be completed.
v) To approve the revised Terms of Reference for the Human Resources
Committee. RESOLVED unanimously to defer to new council in May.
RESOLVED unanimously to amend the number of members of the HR
Committee from 3 to 5.
RESOLVED unanimously.
i) To note the recommendation from the HR Committee for the Clerk’s
incremental salary increase as per the amendment to her T&C’s commencing
January 2023.
ii) To receive and discuss the succession planning report & any related matters
produced by the HR Committee in response to the council’s request at its
meeting on March 20th and approve any actions, as necessary.
2022-228 Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the May
2023 agenda.
Extraordinary meeting to be called 24th April.
2022-229 To confirm the date of next meeting as Monday 15th May 2023 at 7.00pm.
Location to be confirmed.
Next meeting date is confirmed as Monday 15th May 2023. Agenda items are required to be
sent to the Clerk no later than noon Thursday 4th May 2023.
Meeting ended at 10.15pm
Please be aware that these are draft notes until accepted at the May meeting.
Signed................................................Cllr (Chair)