2023 February Full Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm
0n 20 th February 2023 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham
Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Cllr J Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Cllr I Lacy, Cllr S Brylewski,
Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr D
Bates, Cllr I Fleetwood.
Mrs J A Sparks – Clerk/RFO, Mrs L Clinkscales – Asst to Clerk.
DCllr A Welburn
DCllr C Darcel
DCllr C Hill
Cllr M Palmer – apologies received.
Cllr P Bucke – apologies received.
Cllr V Houghton – apologies received.
No members of the public were present.
The meeting commenced at 7pm
2022-182 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies
and the reason for absence where given.
Cllr Palmer, Cllr Bucke & Cllr Houghton – apologies & absence reason accepted.
2022-183 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism
Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disposable
Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
i) Cllr Lacy declared an interest in Item 2022-190 as his wife is a volunteer.
2022-184 To receive the notes and the confidential notes of the Council meeting
held on 23 rd January 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
Council RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record and agreed for them
to be signed.
Council RESOLVED, with one abstention, to accept the Confidential notes as a true record
and agreed for them to be signed.
2022-185 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District
and County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.
i) Report from DCllr Welburn had been circulated earlier. In addition, she
advised that within Local Government WLDC has been shortlisted for Council
of the Year.
ii) Copy of the crime figures had been circulated earlier.
iii) DCllr’s Hill & Darcel advised that they still have some funds available in their
CIFund and as Cherry Willingham hasn’t benefitted from any of their Initiative
funds CWPC may wish to make an application by 28 th February.
iv) CCllr Fleetwood advised that he has received a list of start dates for work to
be undertaken in the village to repair potholes. As a result, there will be road
works at various locations.
2022-186 To receive a report on actions taken regarding the security and safety of
the Bleak Farm site and agree any further actions as required.
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i) Clerk advised that a letter has been sent to Tennyson Homes to thank them
for the work already completed and advise that the fencing has been
breached but no response has been received.
ii) Noted that Anglian Water have advised that they will be contacting Tennyson
Homes to advise that they will need ongoing access to the site.
iii) RESOLVED unanimously for Clerk to write to Planning at WLDC to advise
that the site is untidy and visually unacceptable to villagers and see what
further steps can be taken (ACTION – Clerk)
2022-187 To receive a report from the Chair.
The Chair & Cllr Andy Burge with representatives from seven other local parish councils met
with Insp Mike Head, the new Neighbourhood Policing Inspector. Meeting was useful and
positive. Going forward:
i) Resources will be targeted where possible.
ii) Priorities will be reviewed and set by the police team every 3 months, The
meeting felt that speeding, theft and minor ASB should be the current
priorities across the villages.
iii) Crime data will be sent to parish councils at the end of every month, which
will mean the figures available are more current.
iv) Insp Head will provide an article to Cherry News every 3 months giving an
update on actions undertaken.
v) Residents are to be encouraged to report any (non-emergency) issues via the
online website or 101 but if no response is received, they should let the Clerk
know, so that she can contact Insp Head directly.
vi) Details of local groups and their key contacts to be provided to Insp Head.
(ACTION – Clerk)
2022-188 To receive a report from the Clerk.
Report had been circulated earlier. Clerk advised WLDC has placed a temporary
defibrillator in the case by the Surgery. Previous one has been removed for maintenance. If
necessary, a new one will be issued and if the casing is damaged a new one may be issued.
Defibrillator is now registered as operational again and Nettleham Medical Surgery has been
2022-189 Financial matters.
i) To resolve to receive the schedule of receipts and payments for January
RESOLVED with one abstention for the schedule of receipts and payments to
be received.
ii) To receive an update on and approve any further action to be taken with
regard to the claim against Morrison Telecom Limited, in relation to the
damaged speed camera.
Clerk read the email received from Plexus Law advising that as their client
had subcontracted the work to UFN who subcontracted again to a bonified
subcontractor their client has no contractual indemnity. RESOLVED
unanimously for Clerk to contact UFN and raise a claim with them. (ACTION
– Clerk)
iii) To receive an updated report on the parish council’s ability to fundraise and
approve any actions required.
The report was noted. No further action required. Clerk will monitor any
amounts raised at future fundraising events. (ACTION – Clerk)
iv) To note the following with regard to our insurance:
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a) Street Furniture sum insured has been increased by £2389 to a new total
of £50,339.
b) The Gates and Fences sum insured has been increased by £279 to a new
total of £5,529.
c) Mowers and Machinery have been added at £932.
All noted.
v) To receive an update on the potential claim for the damaged drive and
approve any actions required.
Resident has now stated in writing that they wish to make a claim. The issue
is now in the hands of our insurer.
2022-190 To receive a report on progress with the new YMCA tenancy and agree
and actions as required.
Cllr Lacy provided a report:
i) A copy of the tenancy agreement is awaited from the YMCA.
ii) Registering the document with the Land Registry has been held up by the fact
that a copy of the original tenancy agreement hasn’t been available. Cllr
Barry Robinson to obtain a copy. (ACTION – Cllr Barry Robinson). Clerk will
then send to the Land Registry, together with a cheque for £45. (ACTION –
iii) Identification checks have been carried out without the need to obtain
solicitor’s advice.
2022-191 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the
business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree any
actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes please see the individual Chairs or members outside of
the Full Council meeting to expedite the meeting.)
a) Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive any recommendations regarding the following matters and approve
No meeting held.
b) Planning Committee – Chair: Cllr Bridgwood
To receive a report from the meeting on 26 th January and approve actions taken.
Cllr Bridgwood provided a report:
i) Following a meeting with the developer’s agent regarding 11 Church Lane,
although the cottage will be demolished the developer has agreed to move
the building line back to improve and open up the street scene to allow the
church to be more visible.
ii) To note any planning applications received and agree actions taken.
RESOLVED, with one abstention, to accept the planning comments made for
all recent planning applications detailed within the Planning Committee notes
c) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Trahearn
To receive a report from the meeting on 6 th February and approve any actions taken.
Cllr Trahearn provided a report:
i) An application for an I-Gas grant is to be made.
ii) To approve the application for pre-planning for the cricket netting & approve
any action required.
RESOLVED unanimously to apply for pre-planning. (ACTION-Clerk)
iii) To approve delegated powers to the Chair of the Parish Council, Chair of the
L&A & Clerk to expedite the cricket netting matter.
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RESOLVED unanimously to approve delegated powers. (ACTION- Cllr J Robinson,
Cllr J Trahearn, Clerk)
iv) The poplar tree adjacent to Fern Grove is to be felled on 22 nd March.
d) Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive a report from the meeting on 6 th February and approve any actions taken.
Notes already issued so no further report given.
i) To approve the purchase of an A1 tree identification board up to the sum of
£1200 excluding VAT.
RESOLVED unanimously - £600 will come from balance of previous I-Gas
grant and £600 from £1000 allowed on the current budget. (ACTION – Cllr J
Robinson, Cllr B Robinson)
e) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andy Burge
To receive a report from any recent meeting and approve actions taken.
i) Cllr Andy Burge advised that the new windows in the Millennium Hall have
been fitted.
ii) To discuss the quotation for the adaptation for the solar panels and approve
actions required.
To send the solar panels back to France to be adapted would cost £1703.86.
RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a new solar capable radar unit. Clerk
to obtain a quote. (ACTION – Cllr Andy Burge & Clerk). RESOLVED
unanimously to spend up to £3000 to purchase a new unit. Cost to either
come from using the £2500 budget not used to purchase cricket nets or from
CIL fund, if recommended by the Planning Committee.
iv) To approve the purchase of a new fireproof filing cabinet for the Millennium
Hall up to the sum of £1808.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase. £500 will come from 22-
23 budget as previously approved with the remainder coming from balances.
v) RESOLVED to purchase a charge controller at a cost up to £70 to use on the
damaged speed camera. Cllr Fleetwood refused to vote on this matter.
DCllr Welburn left at 8.15pm.
f) HR Committee – Chair: Cllr Lacy
To receive a report on any recent meeting and approve actions taken.
No recent meeting held however:
i) Assistant to clerk to undertake New Clerk training courses on 22 nd & 29 th
March. Should the hours worked exceed her usual 12 per week during this period it
was RESOLVED unanimously for four hours overtime to be approved.
g) Allotments Implementation Task & Finish Group– Chair: Cllr Barry Robinson
To receive a report from the meeting held on 31 st January and an update on
progress agree to any actions as required.
i) Issue remains with trying to obtain information from the contractor that was
due to undertake the access work. Despite numerous attempts no start date
has been agreed and LCC need the relevant paperwork to approve the
works needed. Concerns were raised that further delay could result in
damage to the highway which could potentially result in a claim against the
council. RESOLVED unanimously to start the process again and obtain three
quotes. (ACTION – Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr Barry Robinson, Clerk). It may be
that the cost of the access will have increased from that previously agreed.
Currently, with the recent figures, there will be about £200 remaining from the
£10,000 budget agreed. Council made aware that an increase to the funds
required is likely.
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ii) National Grid have completed their work on the site and have replaced three
poles. A claim will be made to them for compensation for crop loss. (ACTION
– Cllr B Robinson & Clerk)
iii) 43 allotment tenants at present with another tenancy in the pipeline.
The Chair expressed her thanks for all the hard work undertaken to get the allotments to
this stage and for getting them open on time. Following a lengthy discussion on whether
BBQ’s should be permitted on site it was agreed that BBQ’s can be used on the tenants’
individual plots but that tenants should be reminded of their liabilities and responsibilities.
(ACTION - Cllr B Robinson) The Allotment Task & Finish Group would hold a meeting to
finalise any remaining issues and consider the purchase of a noticeboard where a copy of
the regulations can be posted.
2022-192 To consider any ideas for marking the Coronation and approve any
actions required.
i) RESOLVED unanimously for Cllr Jenny Robinson to source packs of
Sunflower seeds, with appropriate wording on the envelopes, at a cost of up
to £300 for 400 packs. (ACTION- Cllr J Robinson). The seeds will be given to
Cherry Willingham Primary School and Cherrytots for distribution. Other
children of Primary school age and below who live in the village will be
invited to collect their packets. RESOLVED unanimously to see if The Vine
will allow children to collect the seeds from there and also to be available
during working hours from the Millennium Hall. (ACTION- Cllr Jenny
Robinson & Clerk)
ii) Cllr Lacy suggested that a link to the Big Lunch pack from the LALC E-News
be placed on FB and Cherry News. RESOLVED unanimously (ACTION –
Assistant to Clerk)
iii) There is to be a Big Help Day on Monday 8 th May where volunteers can help
at Cherry Fields or litter pick around the village.
RESOLVED unanimously to suspend Standing Orders at 9pm to allow the remaining items
on the agenda to be discussed and for DCllr Darcel to speak.
DCllr Darcel advised that there are funds available from WLDC that council may wish to use
for the Big Help Day. (ACTION – Assistant to the Clerk)
2022-193 To discuss and agree arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting.
i) Chairs of each committee to provide a resume of work undertaken during 22-
23 and to discuss the budgets agreed for 23-24.
ii) Hot water will be required. (ACTION-Clerk)
iii) Cllr Angela Burge to arrange refreshments. RESOLVED unanimously to
spend up to £70 for tea, coffee, biscuits. (ACTION – Cllr Angela Burge,
2022-194 To receive an update on the state of the site at 17 Fiskerton Road.
Clerk advised that WLDC are in the process of preparing a notice S135 to the developer,
requiring improvements to be made to the land but that it might take some time for this to be
processed. In the meantime it was noted that some improvements have been made to the
2022-195 To note that the Co-option Policy has been amended in accordance
with guidance from the Internal Auditor to state that applicants who are on the Sex
Offenders Register are not eligible to stand as parish councillors.
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2022-196 To consider and approve the Complaints policy.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept.
2022-197 To consider & approve the Publication scheme (Internal Audit
requirement for the website).
RESOLVED unanimously to accept.
2022-198 To review the Accessibility Statement on the website (Internal Audit
requirement for the website).
RESOLVED unanimously to accept.
Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the March 2023
2022-200 To confirm date of next meeting as Monday 20 th March 2023 at 7.00pm.
Location to be confirmed.
Next meeting date is confirmed as Monday 20 th March 2023. Agenda items are required to
be sent to the Clerk no later than 12 noon Thursday 9 th March 2023.
Meeting ended 9.12pm
Please be aware that these are draft notes until accepted at the March meeting.
Signed…………………………………………Cllr J Robinson (Chair)