2023 March Full Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Cherry Willingham Parish Council held at 7.00pm
on 20
th March 2023 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham
Present: Cllr J Robinson (Chair), Cllr J Trahearn (Vice-Chair), Cllr I Lacy, Cllr S Brylewski,
Cllr Andy Burge, Cllr Angela Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr T Bridgwood, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr D
Bates, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr V Houghton.
Mrs L Clinkscales – Assistant to Clerk, Mrs C Hodgson – Finance Assistant
Cllr M Palmer – apologies received.
Cllr P Bucke – apologies received.
DCllr A Welburn - apologies received.
Mrs J A Sparks (Clerk) - apologies received.
DCllr C Darcel
DCllr C Hill
No members of the public were present.
The meeting commenced at 7pm
2022-201 Apologies, welcomes and attendance, including accepting apologies
and the reason for absence were given.
RESOLVED unanimously to accept the apologies & absence reason given by Cllr Palmer
and Cllr Bucke.–
2022-202 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism
Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disposable
Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.
i) Cllr Lacy declared an interest in Item 2022-209 as his wife is a volunteer.
ii) Cllr B Robinson & Cllr J Robinson declared an interest in item 2022 -211 dii.
2022-203 To receive the notes and the confidential notes of the Council meeting
held on 20

th February 2022 and agree for them to be signed as a true record.
Council RESOLVED unanimously to accept the notes as a true record and agreed for them
to be signed.
2022-204 To receive reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and
County Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.
i) Report from DCllr Welburn had been circulated earlier.
ii) Copies of the crime figures had been circulated earlier.

2022-205 To receive a report on actions taken regarding the security and safety of
the Bleak Farm site and agree to any further actions as required.
i) Clerk had written to WLDC as previously instructed. The Assistant Clerk
advised a response had been received. Content noted by Council.
Resolved unanimously to take the item off as a standing agenda item and to
review the situation in six months. It was also agreed that CWPC should put
another statement up on social media advising the residents that the council
has been doing its utmost to resolve the various issues. Clerk to contact
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WLDC for permission to be able to copy their letter in on the social media
post. (ACTION - Clerk)

2022-206 To receive a report from the Chair.
Cllr J Robinson gave thanks for all the hard work that the Cllrs and administrative staff have
been putting in since the last meeting.
2022-207 To receive a report from the Clerk.
Report had been circulated earlier.
2022-208 Financial matters.
i) To resolve to receive the schedule of receipts and payments for February
RESOLVED unanimously for the schedule of receipts and payments to be
ii) To receive an update on and approve any further action to be taken with
regard to the claim in relation to the damaged speed camera.
Claim on going with damage to speed camera. Contact made with AON who
act for Utilities Fibre Network; they have passed details to the insurers QBE.
iii) To receive an update on the potential claim for the damaged drive and
approve any actions required.
The resident has obtained two quotes and forwarded them directly to our
insurance company. Our insurance company has come back saying that they
will cover the driveway repairs but not the removal of the offending roots.
Council felt this is part of the process of the repair and it was RESOLVED
unanimously to challenge the insurers as to why this isn't covered under the
insurance as part of the process of repair. (ACTION – RFO/Finance
iv) To note approval of £353.90 (£294.92 ex VAT) for the purchase of four
banners for advertising parish meetings under Finance Regulations 4.1- the Clerk
and/or the RFO, in conjunction with the Chairman of the Council or Chairman of the
appropriate committee, for any items below £500.
Note that this had been approved by the VIC.
v) To approve the transfer of between £5000 to £20000 from the HSBC Current
account to Nationwide Savings account.
RESOLVED unanimously to transfer £5000 from HSBC Current account to
Nationwide Savings account. After discussion, it was RESOLVED unanimously to
open a third bank account and transfer £20,000 into it; this would limit the problem of
Council’s bank accounts going over the £85000 protected by the FSCS when the
Precept is paid in. It was RESOLVED unanimously to instruct the Finance Assistant
to open the most suitable account for the Council.
vi) To note that there is a balance of 5 hours remaining on the website
assistance that will be carried over to 23-24.
vii) To approve the payment of £96 to the resident of Fern Grove as
reimbursement for the cost of the investigation into the damaged drive.
RESOLVED unanimously to approve payment of £96.
2022-209 To receive a report on progress with the new YMCA tenancy and agree
and actions as required.

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Cllr Lacy provided a report: Application now in process. There are 31⁄2 months left of the
current lease. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk write to Starkey & Brown and ask if they are
still sponsoring the Oasis now they are under the YMCA; if they are not then the Clerk is to
request the removal of their sign board at the entrance to the Fields. (ACTION - Clerk)
2022-210 To review the Annual Parish meeting, held on 8th March, consider any
feedback and agree to any actions.
The chair gave thanks to all who helped with the preparation and delivery of the meeting., It
was a smaller attendance than normal but there had been lots of positive feedback from the
residents. The items that were brought to the Council’s attention (the state of the footpath
alongside the railway and dog fouling along the Scout Hut path) have been passed to the
VIC for their attention already. Thanks were given to Cllrs Andy Burge and B. Robinson for
erecting and taking down the new banners. It was noted that the old ones will be given to a
resident to recycle. It was reiterated that the Annual Parish meeting in May (this year March
due to elections) is compulsory but the Autumn Parish Meeting has been an additional
choice by the Council and has been used to involve the residents in discussing the next
year’s Precept. Discussion took place about finding new modern ways of trying to get more
of the younger generation engaging with the Council.
It was noted that this is something to look at after the May elections.
2022-211 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the
business of the Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree to any
actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes please see the individual Chairs or members outside of
the Full Council meeting to expedite the meeting.)
a) Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive any recommendations regarding the following matters and approve
No meeting was held.
b) Planning Committee – Chair: Cllr Bridgwood
To receive an update from the Planning Committee and approve any actions taken
i) Planning Application 146218 - 3 Orchard Close - Side extension and change
flat roof to a hipped roof. Supported.
ii) Planning Application 145022 - 11 Church Lane - amended planning proposal.
Amendment to the building line suggested by CWPC has been agreed.
iii) Planning Application 145735 - Land to South of Wesley Road. Amendment to
planning application 143260 - Entry level exception site for 20 affordable
houses. Amended red line on site location plan. Supported with conditions
iv) Planning application 146026 - 1 bungalow with side dormer windows.
There have been constructive changes and amendments as proposed by

It was RESOLVED with one abstention that the actions of the Planning Committee be
c) Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr Trahearn
No meeting had been held.
Confirmation was given that the Poplar Tree removal is taking place this week.
d) Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson
To receive a report from the meeting on 14th March and approve any actions taken

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A brief report on the meeting was given. The tree identification board has been
ordered, awaiting in anticipation. VIC are waiting to see the end result as they are
also in search of a new board at Gilberts Pond. The sculptor of the Roebuck had
offered to make two sculptures for Cherry Fields in honour of the late Queen
Elizabeth and the late Prince Philip. She is producing drawings and costings and
these will be brought to the Committee and Council for consideration. It was
RESOLVED to contribute up to £200 towards the cost of materials for the project. It
was also noted that increased costs last year that arose from hiring three rather than
two portaloo for the Community Picnic had not been factored into this year’s Picnic
budget. This means there will be a shortfall of £70. A request for an increase of £70
will be brought to the council next month. (ACTION: Clerk)
A query was raised about whether the council can give out cash prizes for the bike
trials. (ACTION: Clerk to investigate.)
i) To discuss and resolve on the purchase of signage.
It was noted that the VIC and L and A committees were working on designs
for signage and that the signage projects will be collated to reduce cost.
ii) To approve the churches’ use of Cherry Fields events area on 24th
September and agree to blue badge parking.
Declaration of interest from Cllr B Robinson & Cllr J Robinson.
Resolved unanimously to allow.
e) Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andy Burge
To receive a report from the meeting held on 9th March and approve actions taken
including: The VIC now have the dogs on lead signs and are awaiting upon
the next meeting for feedback from the residents for ideas of placement, as
this has been put out on social media for suggestions.
Also noted that the VIC committee is suggesting overseeing a subcommittee
for the Allotments as the Task and Finish group has now completed the
project of setting the allotments up. Terms of reference to be drafted before
the next VIC meeting by Cllr B Robinson and then to be brought to Full
The VIC is to still manage the Horse Grazing agreements. The new licence
agreement has been altered to request insurance to be shown and rent to be
paid by standing order.
The Church has declined the spare Tommy and the VIC is now giving the
Pembroke Priory Academy school first refusal as to whether they would like to
display it within their grounds. Otherwise it can be placed in the burial ground.
i) To approve the purchase of a new solar speed radar at a current cost of
£2303.89 (1919.91 ex VAT) in new FY and to approve whether the cost is to
come from the CIL fund that currently stands at £3960.90, from the £2500
project fund from money set aside for cricket nets, a portion of the payment
from both or balances. Note that it is a speed radar not a camera. The
purchase had been agreed up to the cost of £3000 at the previous Full
RESOLVED to use £62.89 from CIL and the remainder from balances. The
Finance Assistant explained that the VIC should request a new project
budget of £2,500 for FY 2023/24 to pay for the radar, with the money
coming from balances. (Note this figure represents the committee’s
underspend in 2022/23 that will go into balances.)

f) HR Committee – Chair: Cllr Lacy
To receive a report on any recent meeting and approve actions taken including:
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i) To consider and approve the proposed Human Resources Committee Terms
of Reference.
ii) To consider and approve the draft Disciplinary Policy
iii) To consider and adopt the draft Grievance Policy.
All the above documents were discussed and a number of amendments were
proposed. It was noted that some of those changes required on the Human Resources
policy also impacted on the Disciplinary & Grievance policies. It was agreed more research
was required along with the noted amendments. The policies
to be brought back to Full Council. (ACTION - Cllr I Lacy & Clerk)
g) Allotments Implementation Task & Finish Group– Chair: Cllr Barry Robinson
To receive a report from the meeting held on 15th March and an update on progress
agree to any actions as required.
It was noted the allotment Task and Finish Group had 10k at the beginning of the project
they have spent £4,583.43 year to date. The remaining £5,417 has been left to one side to
cover the costs of constructing the access. The National Grid has agreed to pay £513 in
compensation for the damage caused when using the site. The Tenancy agreement is being
updated to cover issues that have occurred since the commencement of tenancy
occupation. One tenant has given up their tenancy and a Cherry resident is being sought to
take up the plot. It has been suggested that the Allotments could be named ‘The Roy
Bowser allotments’. Councillors were asked to use the time till the next meeting to consider
whether this or another name would be appropriate.
2022-212 To receive an update on plans for marking the Coronation and approve
any actions required.
400 packets of commemorative Sunflower seeds have been purchased and the Clerk will
deliver 210 packets to the Primary school & 30 to Cherry Tots on 18th April. Families living
in the village who have children of Primary School age and below who do not attend these
two settings will be able to collect them at set times from the Millennium Hall and the Library.
The dates will be advertised in the April Cherry News and on social media nearer the time.
(ACTION: Asst Clerk)
The Council will mark the Big Help out Day on Monday 8th May by running two volunteer
events. Cherry Fields will hold a work party day, starting at 10am and concentrating on path
maintenance. The VIC are arranging a litter picking event. A number of Cllrs volunteered to
place bunting around the village to celebrate the Coronation on Saturday 29

th April, meeting

at the Parade at 10am.
2022-213 To consider and approve the operation of the Parish Council’s
Facebook page and permit the Assistant to the Clerk in conjunction with the clerk or
a councillor to post items of interest and information.
RESOLVED unanimously to allow the above method of posting of information. It was also
Resolved unanimously that the Assistant Clerk could respond on behalf of the council.
Councillor’s matters for report/notice of items to be included in the April 2023
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i) To discuss staff succession
Elected Minute Taker: Cllr J Trahearn
A discussion took place about the roles of the Clerk/RFO, Financial Assistant and the
assistant to the Clerk and succession planning. It has been proposed that the HR committee
discuss with the Clerk/RFO, Financial assistant and the Assistant to the Clerk their roles now
and in the future as appropriate.
2022-216 To confirm the date of next meeting as Monday 17th April 2023 at
7.00pm. Location to be confirmed.
Next meeting date is confirmed as Monday 17th April 2023. Agenda items are required to be
sent to the Clerk no later than 12 noon Thursday 6th April 2023.
Meeting ended 22:11pm

Please be aware that these are draft notes until accepted at the April meeting.

Signed................................................Cllr J Robinson (Chair)