FC November Minutes 2024


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council 

held at 7.00pm on 18th November 2024 held at The Vine Centre, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr A Burge- Chairman, Cllr M Palmer - Vice chair, Cllrs S Bates, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllrs R Houghton, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr D Pitchford, Cllr R Pitchford, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr J Trahearn


Mrs L Clinkscales - Clerk, Miss K Sinclair - RFO and Mrs C Hodgson - RFO


DCllr T Bridgwood spoke regarding item  24108 and their request/ proposal.


  1. To note and record apologies and absences.

Cllr V Houghton, Cllr C Hughes


  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider 

any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.



  1. To receive the draft notes of the Full Council meeting held on 21st October 2024.

RESOLVED with 4 abstensions to approve the minutes from the 21st October 2024 as a true record.


  1. To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County 

Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

Following the police engagement with CWPC held earlier in the year, residents are reporting more crime. The Annual Schedule for LCC Highways Gritters is underway.

There is a small price increase in the green bin collection for 2025.


  1. To receive a report from the Chair.

Cllr A Burge thanked Mrs C Hodgson for all her hard work and wished her well on her

retirement. Miss K Sinclair was welcomed as the new RFO for CWPC.

Cllr A Burge Also congratulated Mrs L Clinkscales - Clerk on her completion of their CiLCA qualification on becoming a qualified Clerk.


  1. To receive a report from the Clerk.

Previously circulated.

  1. To consider and approve adopting the GPC Localism Act 2011, sections 1 to 8.

RESOLVED unanimously for CWPC to adopt the GPC. CWPC meets all the criteria to accept this power.


  1. To receive an update from WLDC funding for CCTV.

CWPC are still awaiting to hear from WLDC as there have been changes with regards to 

funding. This has paused any progress installing electrics at St Pauls Play Park. CWPC hold CIL 

money which would cover the costs of CCTV, this is classed as crime prevention.


  1. To receive an update on St Pauls Play Park hedges/ trees and resolve any necessary action.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase of hedges along the fences of no 6 and no 8 St 

Pauls Close, within the park.


  1. To receive an update following the Future Burial Ground Group meeting and approve any 

necessary action.

Following the meeting held on the 14th November it has been estimated that there are 

another 10-11 years left in the burial ground. CWPC will contact the Church to enquire if they have 

land for the future, and if they have future plans. Other options being 

considered by CWPC whether to only have interments increasing the lifespan of the current burial 

ground by two thirds, Also wall memorial where scattering of ashes can take place with prior 



  1. To approve a APM date for 2025.

RESOLVED unanimously  to hold the APM on the 7th May 2025.


  1. Financial matters:

To receive a report from the RFO including:

The RFO explained that it was necessary to purchase some new Christmas lights as a matter of 


RESOLVED to approve the purchase costing £149.97 including VAT and delivery.

  1. To resolve to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for October 2024. Copies of the document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at cwparishcouncil@gmail.com

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Receipts and Payments for October.

  1. To receive an update on any Grant applications. 

The RFO reported that the Grant application to FCC for a zip wire has been submitted and acknowledged. The outcome will not be known until March 2025.

  1. To discuss and resolve to subscribe/ purchase accounting software.

The new RFO has researched alternatives and suggested that the Scribe package seems to be most appropriate for Parish Councillors.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the subscription to Scribe being £ 449 +VAT initially followed by £ 49 +VAT per month. It was agreed the RFO should proceed when the time is right. 


  1. To receive a report on the Youth Centre and approve any necessary actions.

A tour of the youth centre had been arranged where 9 Councillors had attended. An 

expression of interest has been submitted. the application stated we would like it for a Parish 

Office and to work alongside another youth group in partnership.


  1. To discuss and resolve any necessary action in a request  to support a war memorial at the 


RESOLVED unanimously to support a war memorial at the Parade. CWPC will assist with a 

public consultation if the British Legion would like assistance.


  1. To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the council and 

its committees, sub-committees etc, and agree to any actions accordingly: (Note: queries 

from minutes, please see individual chairs or members outside of the full council meeting to 

expedite the meeting)


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

To receive a report from the meeting on 4th November 2024 and approve any action taken including

  1. To receive the end of quarter summary and note any significant variances from the budget.

The RFO reported on potential variances which are mostly under budget.

  1. To resolve to approve the appointment of Glendale as grass cutting contractors for the season 


RESOLVED unanimously to re-appoint Glendale. 

  1. To resolve to approve a provisional budget of £121,836 and the proposed Project spending therein. To be reviewed again in January 2025.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve a provisional budget of £122,086 following a minor amendment. 

  1. To resolve to create a new Earmarked Fund for Election Fees with an amount of £5000 being moved from the General Fund in Balances.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve a new earmarked fund for Election Fees with an amount of £5000.. 

  1. To resolve to approve an estimated Precept of £105,000. To be finalised in January.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve an estimated Precept of £105,000.

  1. To receive the CIL update at the end of October 2024.

The document was reviewed and it was noted the current fund stands at £8843.26.

  1. To resolve to approve the payment of the required contribution of £1602.74 from the Earmarked Fund, Income from Parish Events, if the grant application for a Zip Wire is successful.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the payment of £1602.74 from the Earmarked Fund if needed.

  1. Note that the contract to supply electricity to the Millennium Hall has been renewed with E-On Next on  a 2 year fixed rate business plan.


  1. Planning Matters –  Chair: Cllr R Houghton

No meeting has been held.

  1. update on the progress of the neighbourhood plan.

There is an opportunity to apply for £18,000.00 in total for a grant to aid the writing of the new neighbourhood plan. The process from now to completion should take up to 12 months.

RESOLVED unanimously to employ Steve Kemp to assist in the rewriting  of the Neighbourhood Plan.

  1. Update on the Marina.

A report was given by Cllr R Houghton


  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair Cllr Mrs Burge

To receive a report from the meeting on 28th October 2024 and approve any action taken including:

  1. To approve additional expenditure for the cleaning of the playground surfaces. 

RESOLVED unanimously to approve an additional £300 to cover the cleaning cost of the surfaces at both play parks.

  1. To approve two additional Councillors attending the playground inspection training.

RESOLVED unanimously for Cllr A Burge and Cllr B Robinson to join on the L&A Playground Inspection Training.


  1. Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson

To receive a report from the meeting on 11th November 2024 and approve any action taken: 

CFC had not proceeded with their project of a zip-wire for 24/25 budget. Instead they have recently agreed to purchase a cloud identification board and a bench with the current project fund. It was RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a Cloud Identification Board for £1250+ Delivery £80.

A donation of £250 had been received from a local business, the money is being used for a wildlife camera that will also be usable at night. 


  1. Village Improvements Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr A Burge

No meeting has been held.

  1. To discuss and approve any action following the Tanfaine advert.

RESOLVED unanimously approved the Clerk to ask for reference and to allocate the additional Paddock. 

  1. To discuss and approve any action - Gilbert pond maintenance.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the sum of upto £5,000.00 to tidy the pond area.

  1. To discuss and resolve any action following the quotations for the heating solution.

RESOLVED unanimously approved the installation of the infrared heater and a fan. 


  1. Allotments Sub Committee - Chair:  Cllr A Burge

No meeting has been held.

  1. To consider and resolve the amount of Allotment fees required for 2025.

RESOLVED unanimously to keep the fees for 2025 at £50 per annum.

  1. To consider and resolve any necessary action on a request from the Grazing Tenant.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the tenant permission following their request to place shelter for storage of food for their horses.


  1. Events & Fundraising Committee – Chair Cllr R Pitchford.

To receive a report from the meeting on 30th October 2024 and approve any action taken.

The Lights Switch on and the Christmas Quiz is the next event to be held, weather isn't looking promising but not being rescheduled at this time.


  1. Human Resources Committee – Chair: Cllr K Mellor

No meeting  has been held.

  1. To review and approve the Lone Working Policy.


(ACTION - Clerk, Cllr K Mellor & Cllr R Houghton) 

  1. To review and approve the Complaints Procedure.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the policy

  1. To review and approve the Maternity Policy.

RESOLVED with 1 abstention to approve the Maternity Policy




  1. To consider and resolve the report on the new RFO  holiday entitlement.

RESOLVED with 4 against to approve the recommendation from LALC - Chris Moses.


  1. To discuss and resolve any necessary action on the Clerks' completion of their CiLCA qualification.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Clerk to move to spine point 21 following her completion of the qualification.


  1. To confirm the date of the next meeting as 20th January 2025 at 19:00 

(agenda items required no later than noon Thursday 9th January  2025.)

The next meeting to be held on the 20th January 2025


Meeting Closed 21:38