FC May Minutes 2024

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council 

held at 7.00pm on 20th May 2024 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr S Bates, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr A Burge, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr R Houghton, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr C Hughes, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr R Pitchford, Cllr J Trahearn


  1. To elect a Chair and complete an acceptance of Office form.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr A Burge as the chair. The acceptance of Office was signed & witnessed by theClerk.


  1. To elect a Vice-Chair.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr M Palmer as the Vice Chair.


  1. To note and record apologies and absences. 



  1. To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and 

consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disposable Pecuniary Interests 

or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct. 

Cllr C Hughes is an allotment holder


  1. To receive the notes of the Council meeting held on 22nd April 2024 and agree for them 

to be signed as a true record. 

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes from the 22nd of April 2024 as a true record.


  1. To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County 

Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

Police report had been previously circulated in the meeting pack.

DCllr T Bridgwood reported the new focus for this quarter is VATP (Violence Against The Person).

The Fiskerton Road is due to be closed for 12 days as of the 28th  May for major resurfacing work to be carried out. The repair is costing £450,000.00.


  1. To receive a report from the Chair

Cllr A Burge welcomed our new councillor, Cllr R Pitchford he also continued his thanks to everyone for re-electing him. Cllr A Burge has enjoyed the last year as Chairman and is proud of the Councils achievements. Cllr A Burge thanked Cllr M Palmer his Vice-chair and the RFO & Clerk for their hard work and support.


  1. To consider matters raised by residents at the Annual Parish Meeting and to resolve 

any actions accordingly.

Cllr A Burge, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr B Robinson, & Dllc T Bridgwood have met with the owners of the Marina, they discussed the progress and their plans moving forward. CWPC are keen for them to invite the village to be informed on the working progress.

It was suggested that maybe a report would be issued from the owners to be able to publish either in Cherry News or through one of CWPC sources.


  1. To receive a report from the Clerk.

Nothing to report


  1. To review and approve the Standing orders.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Standing Orders with the suggested amendments. The amendments were under the Finance Section.


  1. To discuss and resolve the repair on the community Gazebo.

RESOLVED unanimously to gift the Scouts the Gazebo along with the balance of £196 that CWPC holds for the Gazebo.


  1. To approve the Fundraising Sub-committee to become a Committee

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Fundraising Sub-committee to progress to a Committee. The Fundraising group has becoming very active and has become too large for the VIC to manage


  1. Financial Matters

    1. To resolve to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for April. Copies of the document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at cwparishcouncil@gmail.com.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the receipts and payments for April 24.

  1. To resolve to approve Section 1-Annual Governance Statement 2023/24. (Signature of Clerk and Chair to be added prior to forwarding to External Auditors)

RESOLVED unanimously to to approve  Section 1-Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

  1. To resolve to approve Section 2- Accounting Statements 2023/24 (Signature of Chair to be added prior to forwarding to External Auditors)

RESOLVED unanimously to to approve Section 2- Accounting Statements 2023/24

  1. To note the content of the Explanation of Variances document prior to forwarding to External Auditors.

This document was present to FC and noted.

  1. To receive an update on any Grant applications 

The Retail Grant is now complete and the remaining 20% has been paid by WLDC.

The Community grant fund is in hand, the outdoor gym has now been installed and the Abu 

Dhabi climbing frame is awaiting an installation date.

Cllr J Robinson mentioned there was a grant opportunity that was published in the LALC e-news DEFRA. the RFO to look into which committees would be eligible and bring back to the FC.


  1. To resolve to agree to adopt the Terms of Reference for all committees & 


where available.

  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Finance & General Purposes Committee Terms of 

Reference with the suggested amendments. 

  1. Human Resources Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference with the suggested amendments. 

  1. Planning Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Planning Committee Terms of Reference with the 

suggested amendments

  1. Village Improvement Committee.


  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee.


  1. Cherry Fields Committee.


  1. Burial Ground Support Group Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Burial Ground Support Group Committee

  1. Allotment Sub Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Allotment Sub-Committee Terms of Reference with 

the suggested amendment.

  1. Fundraising Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Fundraising Committee Terms of Reference 

with the suggested amendments

  1. Future Burial Ground Group.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Future Burial Ground Group Terms of Reference.


  1. To resolve on appointments


  1. As of 22nd May 2024 the following appointments are held:


  1. CWPC Website Organiser – Mrs Loo Clinkscales & Cllr J Trahearn

RESOLVED unanimously to approve.

  1. CWPC Facebook Organiser – Mrs Loo Clinkscales.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve.

  1. HSBC Cheque signatories/ Bank Payment authorisers.

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr J Robinson, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr I Fleetwood, and Cllr A 


  1. Nationwide Signatories

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr P Bucke, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr A Burge, and Cllr S 


  1. Unity Trust Bank Signatories 

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr P Bucke, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr A Burge, and Cllr S 


  1. Certifier of bank statements 

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr V Houghton, and Cllr R Pitchford.

  1. Community Emergency Co-ordinator 

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr A Burge

  1. Deputy Community Emergency Co-ordinators

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr K Mellor, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr B Robinson, and Cllr M 


  1. Community Speedwatch Co-ordinator.

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr S Bates


  1. Resolve the appointments of the following committees and groups

(Note: It is a requirement of the Annual Meeting that the Council elects Members to 

committees. Each Member must sit on at least one committee. Chairs of committees, apart 

from Finance, will be elected by committee at their first meeting following the Annual meeting.)


  1. Finance Committee – maximum of 7 members including the Chair & Vice-Chair and individual members to be appointed at their first committee meeting. 

To be confirmed following each of the first committee meetings.

  1. HR Committee – maximum of 5 members. 

RESOLVED after a vote due to oversubscription of the committee to appoint Cllr M Palmer, 

Cllr  P Bucke, Cllr K Mellor, Cllr Mrs Burge, and Cllr I Fleetwood

  1. Planning Committee – maximum of 7 members.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr A Burge, Cllr R Houghton, and Cllr S Bates

  1. Village Improvement Committee – maximum of 7 members.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr A Burge, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr S 

Bates, Cllr R Pitchford, and Cllr K Mellor.

  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee – maximum of 7 members.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr P Bucke, Cllr R 

Pitchford, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr K Mellor, and Cllr V Houghton.

  1. Cherry Fields Committee - maximum of 10 members, made up of a maximum of 5 parish councillors and a maximum of 5 residents who are co-opted to committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr J Robinson, Cllr J Trahearn, Cllr B Robinson,, and 

Cllr A Burge

  1. Burial Support Group – 4 members.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr P Bucke, Cllr K Mellor, and Cllr J Trahearn

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr J Robinson, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr A Burge, Cllr Mrs 

Burge and Cllr K Mellor for the Future Burial Ground Group

  1. Allotment Sub-Committee - maximum of 8 made up of a maximum of 6 Cllrs and 2 residents.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr A Burge, Cllr C Hughes, Cllr B Robinson, and Cllr 

Mrs Burge.

  1. Fundraising Sub-Committee/ Committee 

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr S Bates, Cllr A Burges, Cllr Mrs Burge,Cllr K Mellor, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr J Robinson, and Cllr R Pitchford


  1. To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the 

Council and its Committees, Sub-committees etc, and agree to any actions 

accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes, please see the individual chairs or members outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting).


  1. Planning matters – Chair: Cllr R Houghton

No meeting has taken place.

Nothing new to report, the next meeting is being held on the 30th May 2024


  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair: Cllr J Trahearn

To receive a report from the meeting held on the 29thApril 2024 and approve any actions including: 

  1. To approve the quotation to carry out the painting of the play equipment at  St Pauls, and Laburnum Play Park

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the painting quote to action the work for the sum of 


  1. To discuss and resolve on the recommendation to apply for a FCC Grant for St Pauls Play Park to purchase

    1. A zip wire

RESOLVED unanimously to approve.

  1. Shade/ Shelter.

DEFERRED until June's FC, more information to be presented.


  1. Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson

No meeting has taken place 

The bike track has had some maintenance within the last month.


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee (F&GP) – Chair: Cllr A Burge

No meeting has taken place.


  1. Village Improvement Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr A Burge

To receive a report from the meeting held on the 9thMay 2024 and approve any 

actions including: 

  1. To approve the purchase of a 20ft Storage Container to be sited at St Pauls Play Park.

RESOLVED unanimously to purchase a 20Ft Storage Container to be sited at the St Pauls Play Park for the cost of up to £4000.00. This includes Construction of a base and delivery of the container.

  1. To approve the purchase of 2 new bins for the parade area. one additional and the other a replacement.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase of two new bins for up to the sum of 1000.

One is to replace a rotten one and the other will be an addition to the picnic bench area at the 



  1. Allotments Sub-Committee – Chair: Cllr A Burge

To receive a report from the meeting held on the 13thMay 2024 and approve any 

actions including:

The Allotment Sub-committee have received a report from the Allotment Association to 

confirm they have been successful in a Grant Application and they intend to construct 

a track down the centre of the allotments making access for deliveries and off loading for individual plots are easier especially in the winter months.


  1. Fundraising Sub-Committee - Chair: Cllr M Palmer

To receive a report from the meeting held on the 16thMay 2024 and approve any 

actions including:

The Fun Dog Show is the next event to take place, They have received a generous 

sponsorship of £250 and more that have donated prizes, there will also be a number of 

stalls on the day. The next event to take place will be the Produce Show details are being 

brought together through the committee.


  1. HR Committee - Chair: Cllr I Fleetwood.

No meeting has taken place.

  1. To consider whether to hold the Autumn Parish Meeting and if so, when.

RESOLVED unanimously that no Autumn meeting will take place for 2024




  1. To consider any co-option application for the councillor vacancy. 

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the co-option application. Elect the new member on a 

committee in the June meeting.


  1. To confirm date of next meeting as Monday 24th June at 7.00pm (agenda items 

required by noon Thursday 06th June)

RESOLVED unanimously for the meeting to take place on Monday 17th June at 19.00 

date error on the original agenda


_________________________________                            __________

Signed                                            Date

Cllr A Burge Chairman (CWPC)