FC April Minutes 2024

Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council 

held at 7.00pm on 22nd April 2024 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr A Burge, Cllr M Palmer, Cllr R Houghton, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr K Mellor, 

Cllr P Bucke, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr J Trahearn


DCllr T Bridgwood


2 Members of the public were present, they did not wish to speak.


2023-166 To note and record apologies and absences.

Apologies were received from Cllr V Houghton, Cllr C Hughes, Cllr I Fleetwood, Cllr S Bates, and Mrs Hodgson (RFO).


2023-167 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and 

consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 

or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.



2023-168 To receive the draft notes of the Full Council meeting held on 18th March 2024.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the minutes from 18th March 2024 as a true record. 


2023-169 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County 

Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

Police reports had been received this month and apologies were given from Inspector Head 

as he had been off sick. The police have changed their response this quarter to Anti-social 

Behaviour for our area.

DCllr T Bridgwood reported that work on the Fiskerton Road regarding potholes would commence from the 28th May - 14th June 2024. To note the speed limit has been reduced on the Hawthorn Road to 30mph.


2023-170 To receive a report from the Chair.

Cllr A Burge thanked Cllr M Palmer for chairing March’s meeting.  Cllr A Burge also 

encouraged he would be grateful for those who would attend the APM on the 15th May 2024 

as a member of the public but also be available to circulate within the refreshment break on behalf of CWPC..

A gentle reminder for those who have not yet contacted the Clerk with the chosen 

committees they would like to stand on as of May 2024


2023-171 To receive a report from the Clerk.

Previously circulated.


2023-172 To approve the Death of a Senior Figure Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve with the suggested amendments.

(ACTION - Clerk)


2023-173 To discuss the need for assistance with installation and maintenance tasks and agree 

to any actions as required.


It was agreed moving forward when committees are carrying out projects they must start 

costing in for labour depending on the job. 

To note when obtaining quotations for jobs it would be a quote for the complete job not for an hourly rate.It was agreed for the Clerk to put an advertisement on social media and in Cherry News for volunteers who could help with assisting in the job. Cllr A Burge & Cllr B Robinson to meet with NPC Handyman.

(ACTION - Clerk)


2023-174 To report the findings following the meeting between VIC & L&A. 

A discussion between the 2 committees had taken place on the siting of the following equipment, picnic benches, outdoor gym, Abu Dhabi, bench and storage container. Both committees were happy with the outcome for the work to be carried out as scheduled,


2023-175 Financial matters:

  1. To resolve to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for March. Copies of the document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at cwparishcouncil@gmail.com

RESOLVED to approve the Receipts and Payments for March 2024.

  1. To resolve to accept the Bank Reconciliation as at 31st March 2024.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the Bank Reconciliation as at 31st March 2024

  1. To receive an update on any Grant applications including:

    1. Retail Grant update.

All has now been completed and evidence has been submitted to WLDC. CWPC awaits to receive the final funds of the grant, outstanding is 20% of the agreed sum

  1. Community Facilities Fund update and resolve to purchase the Outdoor Gym equipment at £10250 + VAT and the Abu Dhabi play equipment at £8932 + VAT.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase of the outdoor gym. Note that this includes installation

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Abu Dhabi play equipment. Note that installation and safety surfaces will need to be sourced by L&A.

  1. Coop Community Champions update 

Cllr A Burge reported the successful bid of £991.00 had been awarded and was RESOLVED unanimously to take this item to the L&A for further discussion



2023-176 To receive a report on progress with the YMCA tenancy agreement and agree to any 

action as required.

The Clerk to source information with the current status of lease with the Land Registry and 

bring the findings to Cllr B Robinson & Cllr J Trahearn, to carry out any further work if 


(ACTION - Clerk)


2023-177 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the 

council and its committees, sub-committees etc, and agree to any actions 

accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes, please see individual chairs or members 

outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting)


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr A Burge

To receive a report from the meeting held on 16thApril 2024 and approve any 

actions including: 

  1. To receive the Year End Summary for 2023/2024 from the RFO. Review the Income and Expenditure and Variances from Budget and resolve to adopt these as the Year End Accounts.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the document for year end 23/24.

  1. To review the allocation of Balances and resolve to adopt the new Balance Sheet. 

RESOLVED unanimously to adopt the balance sheet.

  1. To review and resolve to accept the Asset Register as at 31.3.2024.

RESOLVED unanimously to accept the Asset Register as at 31.03.2024

  1. To resolve to approve the further amendments to the 2024/2025 budget (changes highlighted in red).

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the amended budget for 2024/2025.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve a bench for St Pauls Play Park and a memorial plaque for Cllr S Brylewski.

  1. To review and approve the Finance Regulations and resolve to authorise the one off transfer of funds of £95,000 from HSBC Current Account to HSBC Savings Account. 

To note there is an update due within the Finance Regulations within the coming weeks from NALC, this is yet to be filtered down.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Finance Regulations.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the money transfer on the recommendation from the RFO.

  1. To review and approve the Risk Management Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Risk Management Policy with the suggested amendments.

  1. To review and approve the Accounting Procedures.


  1. To review and approve the Expenses Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Expenses Policy.

  1. To review and approve Grant Guidelines for Applicants.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Grant Guidelines for applicants.

  1. To review and approve the Procurement Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Procurement Policy.

  1. To review and approve the Asset Management Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Asset Management Policy.

  1. To note and approve the CIL report for 2023/2024 for submission to WLDC.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the CIL Report


  1. Planning Matters –  Chair: Cllr R Houghton

No meeting has taken place.

Cllr R Houghton reported that the next planning meeting has been rescheduled for the 30th May. The Neighborhood Planning Officer from WLDC, regarding updating our current Neighbourhood plan will also be in attendance..


  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair Cllr J Trahearn

No meeting has taken place.


  1. Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson

To receive a report from the meeting held on the 8thApril 2024 and approve any 

actions including:

Cllr J Robinson was contacted by Reepham Primary School regarding information 

with the work CFC has carried out and all it has to offer. They have been learning about deforestation. The YR6 pupils have written in letters thanking CWPC for the facilities down at CF and the positive impact it has provided on the environment. 

The letters were circulated for Cllrs to have a read.

The Clerk to write to Reepham Primary School to thank them for their letters as they 

have been gratefully received.

(ACTION - Clerk)

  1. To appoint two councillors who will act as liaison officers for the duration of the wedding event at Cherry Fields in June.

RESOLVED unanimously to appoint Cllr J Trahearn and Cllr M Palmer to be the point of contact leading upto the wedding event.

  1. To consider the request that the cost of any work undertaken by the CFC and its volunteer team as a result of the wedding event be taken out of the hire charge and not out of the CFC maintenance budget, and resolve accordingly.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve if there is any additional work needed as 

a result of the wedding it can come from balances.


  1. Village Improvements Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr A Burge

No meeting has taken place.

  1. To approve an additional £160 for the lighting of flag poles.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the additional cost. The extra cost was incurred due to advice given to upgrade to anti vandal lights.


  1. Allotments Sub Committee. - Chair: - Cllr A Burge

No meeting has taken place.

The next meeting is scheduled for the 13th May 2024

There was a report from the weekend just gone that  horses had escaped again, this time into the allotments.

It was agreed that the Clerk writes to them with a warning as this is a regular occurrence that needs to be addressed for the safety of the public and the horses.

(ACTION - Clerk) 


  1. Fundraising Sub Committee – Chair Cllr M Palmer.

To receive a report from the meeting on 04th April 2024 and approve any action taken including:

The next event for the Fundraising Committee is the ‘Fun Dog Show’ . We have sponsors, rosettes and a judge lined up.


  1. Human Resources Committee – Chair: Cllr I Fleetwood

To receive a report from the meeting on 17th April 2024 and approve any action taken including:


  1. To discuss and approve the recruitment of an assistant for the Clerk and their title.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve employing an Admin Assistant.

  1. To discuss and approve hours of an Assistant.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve upto 8 hrs for an Admin Assistant.

  1. To discuss and approve  the Job description of the Assistant.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Admin Assistant Job Description.





RESOLVED unanimously to move into closed session.

Item v & vi was swapped around. for the Clerk to minute the meeting excluding item v..


  1. To consider any co-option application for the councillor vacancy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the application received.

  1. To discuss and resolve the Clerks 6 month probation.

It was agreed to confirm the Clerk in post following a successful probation period of 6 month

  1. To approve a nomination for the Stead Award.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve this year's Stead Award application.


2023-178 To confirm the date of the next meeting as 20th May 2024 at 19:00 

(agenda items required no later than noon Thursday 09th May 2024.)

RESOLVED unanimously.


_________________________________ _____________

Cllr A Burge (Chairman CWPC) Date