FC February Minutes 2024



Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council 

held at 19.00 on 19th February 2024 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr Bates, Cllr Bucke, Cllr Burge, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr Fleetwood, Cllr R Houghton, Cllr Hughes Cllr Mellor, Cllr, Palmer, Cllr B Robinson, Cllr J Robinson, Cllr Trahearn.


District Councillors: Dcllr Bridgwood.


Public: 3 Members of the public were present.

One member of the public requested to speak with reference to the item concerning a wedding reception event which it was proposed would be held on land at Cherry Fields. 

The proposed date is for the 29th June 2024 between the hours of 6pm-12 midnight.The event would involve a marquee, food truck, portable toilets and a disco. Following the concerns expressed at the Cherry Fields Committee meeting the members of the public had come back with the responses on how they will manage guests smoking, noise pollution and car parking.


Meeting commenced at 19:04


2023-133 To discuss and resolve to record apologies and absences only, not to accept them .

RESOLVED unanimously to record apologies and absences.


2023-134 To note and record apologies and absences.

Apologies: Cllr V Houghton and Dcllr Darcel.

Absent: Cllr Brylewski


19:08 Cllr B Robinson Left the meeting


2023-135 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and 

consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.



2023-136 To receive the draft notes of the Full Council meeting held on 15th January 2024 

including the closed session. 

RESOLVED  unanimously to approve the minutes from the 15th January 2024 as a true 



2023-137 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County 

Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

To note there is a new system in place in relation to the police sending out the crime reports and some of the previous data is unavailable. Dcllr Bridgwood brought a planning matter issue to the CWPC attention for 11 Church Lane, CW. The information has been passed to the Clerk in relation to this.


2023-138 To receive a report from the Chair.

Cllr Burge reported the resignation of Cllr Bridgwod and thanked him for all his hard work for 

his time on CWPC. Cllr Burge & Cllr Palmer have been for a tour around The Cherry Willingham Primary School and Pembroke Academy and have invited them to the May Parish Meeting to come and do a speech. Cllr Burge has also been doing as many Fix my Streets as possible and welcomes everyone to report an issue in hope that it will encourage LCC to fund and do more.

Cllr Burge & Cllr Palmer have also had a meeting with the tenants who rent the grazing fields and have items to bring back to the next FC.


2023-139 To receive a report from the Clerk. 



2023-140 To discuss and resolve the request from Cherry & Reepham Village Hall on the 

contribution towards the installation and the running cost of the Defibrillator they 

have installed.

It was noted that Council were being asked to contribute after the machine had been installed. It was RESOLVED unanimously to contribute 50% of the annual servicing costs charged by WLDC both in this year and in the future but that the request for £200 towards the installation cost should be considered under our small grants policy and considered at the next Full Council meeting. ACTION RFO to write to the Village Hall Committee.


2023-141 To consider the quotes and approve the trench work to be carried out for the light 

installation to the flag poles as the Parade.

The electrical work had previously been approved and the cost is covered by the Retail 

Grant from WLDC. Prior to the work it is necessary for trench work and ducting to be 

installed. It was RESOLVED unanimously to accept the quote from J D landscaping for 

£1450 + VAT and to add this to the Project Budget using Virement from other unused 

projects. Part of the cost will be covered under the grant.


2023-142 To consider a request from St Peter and St Paul’s Anglican church to use the grass 

area at the Parade for a church fete (likely date Saturday 29th June) and agree actions 

accordingly.  (Note: this is an exploratory request only.)

RESOLVED Unanimously to approve the request.


2023-143 To consider a request from the churches in Cherry Willingham (Christians Working 

Together group) to use the grass events area on Cherry Fields for a Community 

Harvest Service on the afternoon of Sunday 22nd September and use the main car park 

as a Blue Badge area only for that same period and agree actions accordingly.

RESOLVED  with 1 abstention, To approve the request.


2023-144 To discuss and approve electing members on to committees temporarily where there 

are long term absences, enabling the committee to meet and stay quorate. 

It was agreed there wasn't a need for any members to be elected on a temporary basis before May 2024.


2023-145 Financial matters:

  1. To resolve to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for January Copies of the document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at cwparishcouncil@gmail.com.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the receipts and payments for the month of January 2024. 

  1. To consider the use of the Chairs Allowance under Section 15 of the Local Government Act and resolve to create a Policy for its use.

This was raised at the point of the internal audit and would allow the council to fund small items such as flowers and cards etc. LALC  are currently working on a template for a policy and this is something that will be introduced shortly.

RESOLVED unanimously to budget for a Chair’s Allowance. 


2023-146 To receive an update on the meeting of the Future Burial Ground Group held on 

Monday the 29th January 2024.

8 possible locations have been identified. The future burial ground group intends to do a 

report on all eight locations and their feasibility in time for their next meeting on the 10th of June 2024. Once they have discussed their report they will bring it to FC with their findings.  They will also do research into any new alternative modern approaches. It has also been suggested that once the current burial ground is full the other option is not to have another burial ground.


  1. To approve the Future Burial Ground Group Terms of Reference

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Terms of Reference.


2023-147 To receive a report on progress with the YMCA tenancy agreement and agree to any 

action as required.

No progress has been made since the last FC meeting, following Cllr Bridgwoods 


  1. To elect a member to oversee the YMCA tenancy.

RESOLVED unanimously to elect Cllr B Robinson & Cllr Trahearn.


2023-148 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the 

council and its committees, sub-committees etc, and agree to any actions 

accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes, please see individual chairs or members outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting)


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

No meeting has taken place, since last Full Council

The next finance meeting is in April 2024.


  1. Planning Matters –  Chair: Cllr Houghton

To receive a report from the meeting on 29thJanuary 2024 and approve any action  taken including: 

Following the resignation from Cllr Bridgewood, Cllr R Houghton has now taken over as chair of the planning committee. The planning committee currently has the Neighbourhood Plan to update following the Central Local Plan being updated in April 2023. To be able to update our current Neighbourhood Plan, outside sources will be sought as this requires a particular skill set. There is a budget for this within the next financial year. 


  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair Cllr J Trahearn

To receive a report from the meeting on 05th February 2024 and approve any action  taken including:

The tree survey has now been completed and updated, CWPC have had a deceased and a diseased tree taken down at The Parade. Cllr Mellor & Cllr Trahearn have paid a visit to the burial ground following the subject of topple testing of headstones after being raised at the internal audit, they found no obvious problems. It was suggested that CWPC look into training for this. New picnic benches will be ordered for both play parks. 

  1. To approve a quotation to tidy and clean the footpaths within the burial ground.

RESOLVED this work is included in CWPC grass cutting contract with Glendales, they have agreed to carry out the required work in the coming weeks.


  1. Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson

To receive a report from the meeting on 12th February 2024 and approve any action  taken including:

The minutes were previously circulated.

  1. To consider the recommendations of the committee in relation to a request to use the events area for a wedding party and resolve accordingly.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the request for a wedding reception to take place on Cherry Fields.CWPC will be hiring the events area out under their Open Space Policy.

RESOLVED with 1 abstention and 1 against, to request a £100  refundable deposit and £250 charge for the use of Cherry Fields


  1. Village Improvements Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

No meeting has taken place

  1. To discuss and resolve the purchase of new banners for the Parish Meeting.

A quote had been obtained to either replace the existing banners or to add strips to the existing banners to note the new venue along with decals to change the date. In addition it was noted that new support posts will need to be bought.

 It was RESOLVED unanimously to approve up to £150 for the new strips and decals and posts.


  1. To discuss and agree any action with regard to the heating in the Millennium Hall.

RESOLVED for the Clerk to seek an electrician's recommendations on the best heating source and its efficiency for the Hall and bring it back to FC.


  1. To discuss putting a path through from the Burial Ground and Gilbert's Pond.

RESOLVED unanimously to place a 55 metre length path from the burial ground gate to Giberts Pond,up to the sum of £1000. Funding is to come from the CIL fund.


  1. Allotments Sub Committee. - Chair: - Cllr A Burge

To receive a report from the meeting on 22ndJanuary 2024 and approve any action  taken including:

The allotment entrance work will be carried out on the 4th, 5th , and 6th of March 2024

Declaration of interest: Cllr Huges is an allotment holder

  1. To discuss the formation of the Allotment Association.

The Allotment Association now has a constitution and an elected committee. They have now opened a bank account and intend to start their search for grants to fund future projects.

The allotment Association intends to hold their AMG every January before allotment fees are due in February.


  1. Fundraising Sub Committee – Chair Cllr M Palmer.

To receive a report from the meeting on 07thFebruary 2024 and approve any action taken including: 

There are currently 5 events planned for this year, Easter Treasure Hunt, Dog Show, Produce Show, Christmas Light Switch on, and The Christmas Quiz.

  1. To review the Terms of Reference for the Fundraising Sub-Committee.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the Terms of Reference with the suggested amendments.


  1. Human Resources Committee – Chair: Cllr I Fleetwood

No meeting has taken place, since the last Full Council.

Nothing to currently report.




  1. To receive a report on the information obtained for a potential new member of staff.

Cllr Mrs Burge had worked out the costing on a 8hr week proposal for an admin assistant. 

RESOLVED for the HR Committee to meet and bring back to FC a proposed Job Description for the new member of staff along with the proposed costs..


To note the RFO had successfully completed there 6 month probationary period


2023-149 To confirm the date of the next meeting as 18th March 2024 at 19:00 pm 

(agenda items required no later than noon Thursday 07th March 2024.)

RESOLVED unanimously 


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Signed: Cllr A Burge - Chair Date