FC March Minutes 2024


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of Cherry Willingham Parish Council 

held at 19.00 on 18th March 2024 held at The Vine, Cherry Willingham


Present: Cllr Palmer (Vice chair), Cllr Bates, Cllr Fleetwood,  Cllr Houghton, Cllr V Houghton, Cllr Hughes, Cllr Robinson, Cllr J Robinson.


2023-150 To note and record apologies and absences.

Apologies: Cllr Burge, Cllr Mrs Burge, Cllr Mellor, Cllr Bucke.

Absent: Cllr Brylewski 


Cllr Pamler reported the passing of Cllr Brylewski.

A minute's silence was held as a mark of respect.


2023-151 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and 

consider any requests for dispensations in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests 

or other interests as outlined in the Council’s Code of Conduct.



2023-152 To receive the draft notes of the Full Council meeting held on 19th February 2024 

including the closed session.

RESOLVED with 2 abstentions to approve the minutes from the 19th February 2024 as a true record. 


2023-153 To receive any reports from outside bodies, including the Police, District and County 

Councillors (if any) and agree actions as required.

No crime report was produced or sent to CWPC this month. DCllr Bridgwood raised concerns about  2 planning applications 147875 and147131 the objections have been reported and taken back to WLDC to review.

The Scampton RAF Base for housing 2000 migrants has hopefully made progress the new hearing will be held on the 11th & 12th June. The new deal will hopefully mean there will only be 800 migrants placed at Scampton 

The WLDC has set the council tax for 24/25 for a band D it will now be £7.01 or 13p week.


2023-154 To receive a report from the Chair.

Cllr Palmer thanked Cllr Robinson for all his help with overseeing all projects that have taken place in the past few weeks, thanks was also extended to those who have also supported the Clerk recently.


2023-155 To receive a report from the Clerk.

Nothing to report at this time 


2023-156 To consider the Grant Application from Cherry Scout contribution towards the cost of 


RESOLVED unanimously to approve the application for the Scouts as they are a worthy 

cause providing for the CW community for young children.


2023-157 To receive an update on the youth and Community Center.

Cllr Burge & Cllr Palmer have met with Simon Evans, Charles Shaw and Sabash Chelarah from the Centre of Reconciliation.

They have a 24 year lease from LCC. The community centre is set to 

open 1 night a week after the Easter holidays. There are bigger plans with what it can offer 

our community. There is another meeting scheduled, Cllr Burge & Cllr Palmer will bring back 

to FC once the next meeting has taken place.


2023-158 To discuss and resolve any action required reference the correspondence for LCC, 

Electric vehicle charge point, sustainable travel.

As discussed it was thought that CW didn't have a need for EV charging points with it not 

being on a main loop, nor does CW have land to locate them. With the correspondence 

addressing sustainable travel, Cllr J Robinson suggested writing back with a footpath 

proposal. Cllr Houghton felt bus stops need looking at too. It was proposed Cllr J Robinson & 

Cllr Houghton to device a map of purposed footpaths and where additional bus stops maybe 


(ACTION - Cllr J Robinson & Cllr Houghton)


2023-159 To discuss donation of funds for flowers and resolve any necessary action. 

To wait until we hear of the funeral arrangements and the preference of whether a donation 

or flowers are preferred. 

RESOLVED unanimously for those who wish to add to the collection can and the remaining collection to be used in memory of Cllr Brylewski.


2023-160 To review and approve the Code of Conduct Policy.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the code of conduct.


2023-161 To approve the purchase of refreshments for the May Parish Meeting

RESOLVED unanimously to spend upto £50 for refreshments.


2023-162 Financial matters:

  1. To resolve to accept the Receipts and Payments schedule for February. Copies of the document can be obtained by emailing the Clerk at cwparishcouncil@gmail.com.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the receipts and payments for February 2024

  1. To receive an update on any Grant applications. 

The RFO reported back following a meeting with all the chairs of each committee that all potential grants and applications are to  go through the RFO and then to be taken to FC.

This gives everyone a fair advantage when applying for bids. 

The VIC & L&A joined together to apply for a grant through WLDC before Christmas 2023. When applying for the bid CWPC were informed applications were no longer being taken but the VIC had put an interest before the closing date and was given a reference number.

We have been successful, the grant was for match funding. The total project was for the sum of £19,182.00. CWPC bid was for one climbing frame and an outdoor gym.

It was felt a site meeting with L&A & VIC was necessary for the siting of the new equipment and the choices of safety surface that will be required for under the equipment.

(ACTION- RFO, VIC & L&A Committee)


2023-163 To receive a report on progress with the YMCA tenancy agreement and agree to any 

action as required.

Cllr Robinson & Cllr Trahearn are now the new points of contact for the YMCA. No progress has yet been made as CWPC are still waiting on the Land Registry.


2023-164 To receive reports and recommendations (if any) concerning the business of the 

council and its committees, sub-committees etc, and agree to any actions accordingly: (Note: queries from minutes, please see individual chairs or members outside of the full council meeting to expedite the meeting)


  1. Finance & General Purposes Committee – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

No meeting has taken place, since last Full Council


  1. Planning Matters –  Chair: Cllr Houghton

No meeting has taken place, since the last Full Council.


  1. Leisure & Amenities Committee (L&A) – Chair Cllr J Trahearn

No meeting has taken place

  1. To resolve the purchase of 3 picnic benches for the sum of £1795.70 + VAT

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the purchase of the 3 picnic benches.


  1. Cherry Fields Committee (CFC) – Chair: Cllr J Robinson

No meeting has taken place, since the last Full Council.

  1. To receive a report on matters arising since the last meeting including the event taking place on the 23rd June 2023 and approve any actions required

The Clerk reported they have received approval from the family accepting CWPC terms and conditions to hold their wedding party at Cherry fields,The Clerk and RFO to raise an invoice for deposit and the fee now CWPC have received confirmation of the party taking place.


  1. Village Improvements Committee (VIC) – Chair: Cllr Andrew Burge

To receive a report from the meeting on 07th March 2024 and approve any action taken 


Speedwatch has now been passed to Cllr Bates, who has managed to successfully arrange training for the speedwatch volunteers and for other parishes to join.

Cllr Palmer has contacted a group of volunteers for litter picking who left their details on the Autumn 2023 survey. There are 10-12 new volunteers.


  1. To approve the purchase of a storage container.

DEFERRED concerns on the size and all costings have not yet been collated. 

The VIC to carry out more research for all the supporting items such as the base for the container project to work. Are there any other storage options? The VIC to make enquiries.  



  1. Allotments Sub Committee. - Chair: - Cllr A Burge

To receive a report from the meeting on 26thFebruary 2024 and approve any action  taken including:

  1. To review and approve the amended tenancy agreement.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve with the suggested amendments

  1. To discuss and approve any action following the meeting with the Horse Grazing Tenants.

Cllr Burge & Cllr Palmer had a meeting with the tenant. The issue with tidiness and late payments was addressed. 

Following the very wet winter that we have had they have requested building a form of shelter for food and water storage for the winter months. Cllr Burge & Cllr Palmer advised them to put their request in writing and supporting plans and they would bring it back to Full Council for approval.


  1. Fundraising Sub Committee – Chair Cllr M Palmer.

No meeting has taken place since the last Full Council.


  1. Human Resources Committee – Chair: Cllr I Fleetwood

No meeting has taken place, since the last Full Council.


2023-165 To confirm the date of the next meeting as 22nd April 2024 at 19:00 

(agenda items required no later than noon Thursday 11th April 2024.)



Meeting closed 20:03


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Signed: Cllr A Burge - Chair Date