Health and Safety Policy

1.  Health and Safety Policy Statement


Cherry Willingham Parish Council believes that Health & Safety performance is an integral part of the efficient and cost effective discharge of its duties and is fully aware of its responsibilities under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and other statutory provisions.  The Parish Council therefore intends to meet those responsibilities as far as is reasonably practicable by incorporating good health and safety management within all its operations.


The objective of the Parish Council policy is to minimise risk to health, safety and welfare of its employees, voluntary workers, general public and others affected by its activities and to minimise risk to the environment.  All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that safe working and community environment is created.


Members of the Parish Council have the responsibility for implementing this Policy and must ensure health and safety considerations are always given 

priority in planning and day-to-day supervision of work.


All employees and voluntary workers are expected to co-operate in carrying out this policy throughout the Parish Council’s activities and must ensure that their own work, so far as reasonably practicable, is carried out without risk to themselves or others.


All employees, voluntary workers and contractors associated with any work carried out by the Parish Council will be made aware of this policy and the importance of commitment to its objectives.


The organisations and arrangements for implementing the Policy are set out in the Policy documents.  The Policy will be kept up to date in response to changes in legislation or best practice.  To ensure this, the Policy and the way in which it has operated, will be reviewed annually or as the need arises.